Job description
Job Responsibilities: Will Assign reporters and photographers to stories, develops a network of news sources in all fields, sets up stories in advance, must be well informed on current events, reads daily newspapers, and watches other news programs regularly, routinely checks beat checks for possible stories, keeps Executive Producer and producers informed on stories and the progression of stories, takes viewers calls with complaints and story ideas and assists in setting feeds of news stories. Will be assisting producers in getting the daily broadcast on and off the air with minimum amount of problems. Will tear and distribute scripts to news and production crew, log new tapes for news stories, locate file video requested by producers or reporters, help maintain video library, write teases and stories, other duties as assigned by producers.
Necessary Skills: Excellent communication and organizational skills, MUST be able to work in a fast-paced environment, make decisions under pressure, able to work in a highly stressful environment, maintain professional composure at all times and able to multi-task. Ability to write clear, concise English, Computer literate. Must be familiar with Broadcast style writing,