Band 7 Strengthening Families Health Visitor Birmingham, England
Job description
We kindly request candidates who have applied in the last six months to refrain from submitting another application at this time.
We are looking to recruit experienced practitioners with a proven record of strong Clinical Leadership skills and a passion for service improvement and delivering 'hands on' quality care to children and families.
This is an exciting opportunity to help us develop, shape and embed services specifically tailored to support children and families requiring identified complex and additional needs living in Erdington, Yardley, Perry Barr, Selly Oak, Northfield, Edgbaston, Ladywood, Sutton Coldfield, Hall Green and Hodge Hill districts of Birmingham.
Applicants need to possess significant knowledge and experience in Health Visiting / Early Years and Safeguarding. There is a requirement for applicants to have completed studies at master’s level, or demonstrate that they have experience equivalent to master’s level
Successful candidates will need to demonstrate: their ability to work closely with families identified as having diverse and complex social and health needs; whilst also undertaking a lead role in providing expert advice and guidance to health visiting and early year’s staff.
The specialist HV for strengthening families is a dynamic post which requires the Specialist Health Visitor in strengthening families to work closely within and with multi-disciplinary teams in addressing a range of complex care and support issues across a spectrum of needs. The role covers a wide spectrum of leadership, governance, strategic and training priorities.
The Post holder will provide direct specialist clinical service for children and families requiring identified complex and additional needs across Birmingham. The post holder will work together with colleagues within BFS service based within the HV teams.
The main role for the Strengthening family’s practitioner is to be the delegated named HV for children requiring support for universal plus and partnership plus agenda as well as contributing to the public health agenda.
The post holder is responsible for assessing complex health needs, providing public health promotion and illness prevention for their specific caseload of families who have complex needs meeting their holistic needs.
Be Part of Our Team...
Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (BCHC) has more than 5000 staff working across Birmingham and the West Midlands in a wide range of community nursing and specialist healthcare roles. BCHC delivers over 100 clinical services, in people's homes, health centres, clinics and inpatient facilities. We deliver a wide range of services for children, young people, parents and families as well as adults and community services, two community hospitals, services for people with learning disabilities, the internationally recognised West Midlands Rehabilitation Centre and one of Europe’s leading Dental Hospitals and School of Dentistry. We deliver all of this with a commitment to integrated, personalised care that is rooted in our local communities. We have an ambition to deliver outstanding, integrated care as one of the key NHS providers in the West Midlands.
If you want to ‘Be Part of Our Team’ and work with a Foundation Trust which is continuously striving for better care and healthier communities, we want to hear from you.
1. To consistently demonstrate in all relationships with families, colleagues and partner professionals, the BCHC Trust Values and the 6 Cs of nursing of commitment, competence, courage, communication, compassion and care in the role of Strengthening families specialist health visitor. To develop a workload profile identifying those groups within the population with specific health needs
2. To work closely with the primary health care team, participating in activities that address the health needs of the corporate case load, prioritising the needs of the families for requiring additional support and delegating families using local support from BFS partners, early help clusters, and other health partners
3. To deliver the Healthy Child Programme through compassionate caring assessment and analysis of need, developing, implementing and evaluating programmes of care using assessment tools in accordance with commissioner service specification for the health visiting service order to address identified health need. To use the right help right time framework to assess and plan with families where multiagency partnership working is required
4. To formulate and agree with families packages of care appropriate to need, opening electronic care plans for support. To monitor all open care plans in accordance with the record keeping policy, closing when package of care is complete, or when risk assessment identifies that the child needs a universal health visiting level of inpu
5. To identify and support vulnerable children in need of protection and refer to Children’s Services following the Birmingham Safeguarding Children Board policies in all cases of suspected or actual emotional, physical, sexual abuse and neglect. To follow up domestic violence notifications in line with Trust policy
6. To attend case conferences, undertake and fulfil the responsibilities that are appropriate to the role of the Specialist HV Strengthening Families as agreed in the multi-agency child protection pla
7. The post holder will also have to make a complex judgement and decision about parental consent and information sharing in line with the law and guidance in relation to information governance; undertake mandatory training and follow Trust policies and procedures to ensure that trust information is dealt with legally, securely, efficiently and effectively.
8. The post holder must manage the records they create or hold during the course of their employment with the Trust in an appropriate way, making the records available for sharing in a controlled manner subject to statutory requirements and agreed security and confidentiality policies, procedures and guidelines e.g. Data Protection Act 2018, Freedom of Information Act 2000, General Data Protection Regulations, Caldicott Guidelines NHS Confidentiality Code of Conduct 2003, and professional codes of conduct on confidentiality
9. The post holder will also hold supervisory, training and leadership responsibilities where appropriate to health visitors, community public health nurses and assistant practitioners as well as BFS partner colleagues and will have some responsibility for team performance and service development and quality improvements
10. To work with the District Clinical Managers and District Practice leads in undertaking delegated tasks in team management, practice and leadership offering supportive distributed leadership visibility, accountability and responsibility
11. Work in conjunction with the District Clinical Managers to motivate and inspire the multidisciplinary team to ensure effective collaborative working is achieved
12. Support the provision of service within finite financial envelope, taking account of competing demands and resources and the unpredictability of the environment.
13. They will work to professional codes, standards and guidance at all times ensuring that their practice is grounded in evidence based theoretical and practical knowledge
14. To ensure all records are kept to the required NMC and BCHC standards, to write letters and submit referrals to services which ensure children and families are referred and able to access the right support at the right time. To produce complex reports for court hearings relating to child protection and safeguarding providing their professional opinion in line with Trust policies and procedures
15. To access professional development through clinical supervision, safeguarding supervision, training, reflective practice, professional supervision, self-appraisal and performance review
16. To provide caseload data when required for performance monitoring. As senior practitioner, to have oversight of data of trends, KPI’s, ECIs, other audits through the One vision dashboard and safer staffing tools and ensure quality, safety and targets are being achieved
17. To ensure caseload is organised for periods of planned absence e.g. annual leave and study leave and arrange appropriate safeguards and support for vulnerable families.
18. To maintain professional registration as Registered Nurse and Health Visito
19. To be a regulated Non-Medical Prescriber and participate in undertaking a full assessment of minor conditions appropriate to the role of the Specialist Health Visitor, and where indicated, prescribe from the formulary appropriate to level of training, and access continuing professional development in prescribin
20. Work within the clinical governance framework to ensure that governance is embedded in clinical practice
21. Support and facilitate the training and development of team members who need to improve service delivery. This includes record keeping and improving clinical competency. Through mentorship and preceptorshi
22. Participate in investigation, problem solving and remedial action where necessary
23. This is a dynamic post which requires the Specialist Health Visitor in strengthening families to work closely within and with multi-disciplinary teams in addressing a range of complex care and support issues across a spectrum of needs. They will contribute to the safeguarding agenda in line with Birmingham Safeguarding Children’s Partnership Board and “Working Together to Safeguarding Children” (2018) they will also contribute to the delivery of the Healthy Child Programme preventing unnecessary hospital admission along with Early Help assessments to improve the health and wellbeing of the population served.