Research Support Technician Bangor, Gwynedd, Wales
Job description
Applications are invited for a 24-month fixed-term technical post working in the School of Natural Sciences to support research on a Greenhouse Gas Removal (GGR) demonstrator project to evaluate the viability of various land management interventions (e.g. carbon burial) to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to counter the impact of climate change. The wider project is led by Nottingham University, in collaboration with UKCEH, Forest Research and the Universities of Glasgow, Leeds and Bangor. This role is to provide technical support for laboratory, greenhouseand field experiments led by the Bangor University post-doctoral researcher (Dr Robert Brown).
Working closely with the new post-doctoral researcher in this project and wider research team, including Prof Davey Jones and Prof Dave Chadwick, you will provide support to the setting up and running of experiments, maintenance of basic measurement equipment, recording data and communicating with project staff. It will also involve reporting at project meetings and help in the writing of scientific journal articles. A driving licence is required for travel to remote field sites, and a willingness to work irregular hours, on occasion, is required.
The successful candidate will have 2 AS Levels or 1 A Level or NVQ level 3 in a relevant subject area and Level 3 IVQ Technicians Diploma.
The job includes a certain amount of desk work, however it also requires the successful applicant to be physically active for the greater part of the day to undertake tasks such as harvesting plants, collecting soil samples, setting up field experiments, deploying and storing experimental equipment etc. The post is based in the Environment Centre Wales where the central laboratories are located, with most field work taking place at the University farm located at Abergwyngregyn. There is some requirement to travel to other project field sites as and when required.
The successful candidate will be expected to commence as soon as possible.
Applications will also be considered to carry out this role on a job share basis.
For more information about the post, please contact Prof Davey Jones ([email protected])
Closing date for applications: 09 May 2023
Applications will only be accepted via our on-line recruitment website, jobs.bangor.ac.uk. However, in cases of access issues due to disability, paper application forms are available by telephoning 01248 383865.
Committed To Equal Opportunities
For the UK to achieve net carbon neutrality by 2050, it is estimated that the mix of greenhouse gas removal (GGR) technologies will be required. Burial in the terrestrial land base (e.g. soils) can potentially make a major contribution to this target and contribute to the 64% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions required across agriculture, other land uses and peatlands by 2050. While the UK has the potential for large-scale deployment of carbon burial/storage approaches, this is highly dependent on increasing the range and availability of feedstocks, the scale of production and the amendment levels at which carbon-based products (e.g. carbon-rich wastes, biochar) can be applied in different settings without impacting on e.g. plant health. Short-term field trials have identified some agricultural benefit at amendment levels of ca. 10 t per hectare, but longer term stability and its impact on ecosystem services has not been addressed quantitatively, including impacts on soil borne nitrous oxide and methane emissions. Further, contaminated land, forestry and alternative growing environments, such as grow (poly) tunnels have received much less attention, with respect to maximising the potential for such amendments.
As part of this highly inter-disciplinary project we will conduct a series of laboratory and mesocosm-scale experiments to investigate interactions between the carbon products, application rate, soil ecosystem and plant responses to inform small field-plot trials, which in turn, will determine the suitability of selected treatments prior to field-level assessments in cropland, grassland, woodland and contaminated sites. We are taking an ecosystems approach to understand the impacts of adding carbon-rich products to soil at all scales.
The proposed research programme bridges engineering, geoscience, bioscience, social science and techno-economics, and is specifically designed to provide answers to the key challenges outlined above, and establish whether the terrestrial land base can make a significant contribution to meet the UK’s 2050 GGR target.
The Project
The post would suit someone with an interest in land use and the environment, and specifically on impacts of management practices on soil and plant health. You will support experiments that quantify the impacts of adding biochar and other products on carbon sequestration and potential greenhouse gas emissions from soil. Experiments will be conducted at a range of scales, from laboratory incubations to mesocosms and small plots in the field.
Purpose of the Job
Working closely with the Bangor University project post-doc and research leaders, you will support the setting up and day to day running of experiments in the field, in controlled growth chambers and glasshouses, as well as in the laboratory. You will be responsible for taking soil, crop and gas samples, and then processing samples for subsequent analysis by the wider research team. You will be expected to record data in excel spreadsheets and provide regular updates at project meetings.
Main Duties and Responsibilities
Other Duties and Responsibilities
Person Specification
Experience/ Knowledge
The University is committed to supporting and promoting equality and diversity and to creating an inclusive working environment. We believe this can be achieved through attracting, developing, and retaining a diverse range of staff from many different backgrounds. We strive to develop a workforce from all sections of the community regardless of sex, gender identity, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, trans identity, relationship status, religion or belief, caring responsibilities, or age. We promote and facilitate the use of the Welsh language through our progressive Welsh Language Policy. We comply with the Welsh Language Standards and are committed to equality of opportunity. You are welcome to apply for any job in English or Welsh and all applications submitted will be treated equally.
We are a member of Advance HE's Athena SWAN Gender Equality charter and hold a Bronze award in recognition of our commitment to and progress towards gender equality within the University's policies, practices, and culture. We are proud to be a Disability Confident employer.
All members of staff have a duty to ensure their actions are in line with the overall environmental aims of the University and minimise their environmental impact.
All offers are made subject to proof of eligibility to work in the UK and receipt of satisfactory references.
All candidates must meet the requirements of UK ‘right to work’ requirements *** If you require Home Office permission to work in the UK, or need to switch your visa status in order to take this job we recommend you use the following link to information about the routes into employment and to check eligibility requirements: https://www.gov.uk/browse/visas-immigration/work-visas
Please note that we are unable to employ anyone who does not have the right to live and work in the UK legally. When applying for this post you will be required to explain the basis upon which you believe you will be able to live and work in the UK legally on the commencement date of the role should your application be successful.
Candidates should also note that they may be required to apply for an ATAS certificate (Academic Approval Technology Scheme) from the Counter-Proliferation and Arms Control Centre of the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office before being able to apply for a visa - https://www.gov.uk/guidance/academic-technology-approval-scheme
Please note that, in the event of applications being received from candidates on the University's Redeployment Register with a reasonable skills match to the post specification, these applicants will be given prior consideration.