Job description
To provide and lead the clinical specialist nurse in the delivery of care within the Hyperacute bay. Be able to carry out assessment and treatment within the agreed scope of practice within the Hyperacute bay. To respond promptly to all requests for clinical stroke nurse input and support on the ward and other departments To facilitate the rapid transfer of stroke patients requiring admission to the HASU and stroke unit and implement initial stroke treatment plans. To provide specialist support and advice to other professionals and departments.
Ability to assist with the coordination of bed management within the unit. To oversee the safe delivery of thrombolysis and post thrombolysis care including protocols for referral for neuro surgical intervention To act as a resource for patients, families and carers. To be able to provide specific advice and support to more junior members of the team. The ability to provide an educational role to members of the stroke team and junior staff at local level.
Delivery of patient care on a daily basis, using the systems in place in the ward for a multi-disciplinary approach to patient-centred care delivery, which builds on the philosophy of greater involvement of patients and their relatives/carers by using the Trusts patient and public involvement strategy. Please see the attached job description for a full list of duties