Quality and Assurance Manager Walsall, England
Job description
Clinical Quality and Assurance Manager- Band 8a
An exciting opportunity has arisen to be part of the Assurance team spanning Walsall Healthcare Trust and Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust focusing on supporting the Clinical Divisions in the delivery of high levels of assurance of clinical quality.
The post-holder will oversee the delivery of Divisional quality and safety initiatives providing assurance via the Divisional Leadership Team to the Trust Executive, Board Sub-Committees and Divisional Team Meetings. This will include ensuring the Division has in place an effective system for the management of serious incidents and other significant issues and implementation of their associated actions.
Please refer to Job description for more details.
Main duties of the job:
The post holder will work closely with specialists across the assurance portfolio to ensure uniformity of functions and advice in accordance with Trust directed standards for risk management, governance, and assurance.
This will require working as an integral part of the Divisional Leadership Team assisting the development, and leading the implementation of, and best practice in risk, governance and assurance processes from floor-to-Board, improving and professionalising the management of information exchange. Delivery will be by the development, co-ordination and implementation of effective risk management strategies within the Division and ensure the integrity of the Divisional Risk Register, working with colleagues to ensure an integrated approach to patient safety and embedding a risk management culture.
Key focus will be to support the Divisional leadership team to effectively deliver excellence in line with CQC standards
The post holder will work closely with the Assurance team on both hospital sites in order to support the internal and external reporting of serious incidents and reportable incidents and maintain / update to the LFPSE reporting system. This includes the further development of effective system for the management of serious incidents and duty of candour processes including the follow up of learning from incident investigations.
Please refer to Job description for more details
Walsall Healthcare NHS Trustprovides integrated acute and community Healthcare in the West Midlands serving a population of 260,000 residents. Walsall Manor Hospital houses the full range of district general hospital services. The £170 million development was completed in 2010 and we are continually upgrading. Construction of the new integrated critical care unit was completed in 2018, extension of a Neonatal Unit and brand new, state of the art Emergency Department is in the process of being completed.
We are recommended by colleagues as a place to work which is supported by the trusts values to work as part of a team, being respectful, compassionate and professional. We are committed to investing in our workforce
The post-holder will oversee the delivery of Divisional quality and safety initiatives providing assurance via the Divisional Leadership Team to the Trust Executive, Board Sub-Committees and Divisional Team Meetings. This will include ensuring the Division has in place an effective system for the management of serious incidents and other significant issues and implementation of their associated actions.
To be responsible for internal and external reporting of serious incidents and reportable incidents and maintain / update to the LFPSE reporting system.
Implement effective system for the management of serious incidents and duty of candour processes including the follow up of serious incident actions.
The post-holder will support Clinical Directors, Matrons and Heads of Service to undertake analysis of themes and trends from incidents, claims, complaints, audits, legal claims, etc., to identify lessons learned and ensure these are disseminated.
The post holder will work collaboratively to ensure the organisation is prepared for compliance assessments both internally and via external organisations such as the Care Quality Commission. the post holder will ensure on behalf of the division that these visits are captured and reported centrally.