Job description
This is a very exciting time for policing. Cambridgeshire Constabulary is facing unprecedented levels of demand for our services and new and emerging crimes such as human trafficking, child sexual exploitation and cyber-enabled fraud bring new policing challenges. Neighbourhoods are becoming increasingly diverse and transient, and as a Force we believe that getting Neighbourhood Policing right will assist all aspects of policing from intelligence gathering, to crime prevention, to counter-terrorism work, to information sharing on matters of crime and anti-social behaviour.
Cambridgeshire has a very engaged, caring and outward facing approach to policing. We value local partnership working to effectively tackle crime and the fear of crime. We are very proud of the mature and active partnership problem solving work which takes place right across the county. Ensuring a quality service to the victims of crime is important to Cambridgeshire Constabulary and we are looking for committed and confident investigators and officers who can engage positively with victims and effectively manage crime related risks.
Cambridgeshire Constabulary has recently moved to a new North/South operating model for policing. This provides the Force with a Northern policing hub based around Peterborough and a Southern policing hub based around Cambridge. In the Northern hub officers deploy from reactive bases at Thorpe Wood in Peterborough, and also from Wisbech and from March, In the Southern hub reactive officers deploy from Parkside in Cambridge and also from Ely and Huntingdon. This new model will help ensure that policing activity is focused on reducing threat, risk and harm and that the Force allocates policing resources based of the demand profile.
The Protecting Vulnerable People Command includes Child Abuse Investigations (CAISU) and Rape Investigations (RIT). The CAISU teams have hub’s based in Cambridge and Peterborough, whilst the RIT is centrally located in Huntingdon alongside the Cambridgeshire Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC). The Child Abuse and Rape Investigation teams manage serious and complex investigations, working closely with multi agency partners to safeguard the most vulnerable.
As part of this new model we will be encouraging officers and support staff to work closely with partner agencies to identify and resolve local problems and to design community engagement plans that take into account the increasing diversity of local communities and the needs of vulnerable people and hard to reach groups. An ethos of protecting the vulnerable underpins all our policing activity. Neighbourhood officers and investigators can build trust and confidence with young people and improve community relations by handling encounters sensitively, using interpersonal skills to resolve conflict and to develop improved engagement via social media. Research shows that the quality of routine police encounters with the public are more important to improving public confidence than formal mechanisms of engagement such as public meetings. This is particularly evident with street-based encounters with young people, black and minority ethnic groups and other marginalised groups. The experience of individuals stopped and/or searched can profoundly influence attitudes towards the police and can seriously undermine trust and legitimacy. We would like you to champion our positive engagement with young people and vulnerable people.
At Cambridgeshire Constabulary we recruit, retain and develop talented people. We are actively building a diverse workforce representative of the community that we serve. If you can help us to create a safer Cambridgeshire and are a female officer, from a BME background or can speak another language aside from English, then we are particularly interested in hearing from you.
Cambridgeshire Constabulary is looking to recruit re-joiners and existing Police Officers of Constable or Detective Constable rank from Home Office police forces only to join our Force. We will be considering applications from officers at Sergeant or higher ranks, however please note that vacancies for these ranks are limited and will be allocated to officers with exceptional sought after skills.
We currently hold three transferee intakes a year, Spring Summer and Winter.
For an informal conversation about transferring to Cambridgeshire, Please register your interest .
In order for your application to be considered you will need to complete both the online application and also the attached skills audit form and submit this to [email protected] where you are also able to submit any questions about the process. Please quote the vacancy title in your email title.