Media and Communications Officer OPCC Nottingham, England
Job description
Want to make a difference? The Office of Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) for Nottinghamshire are recruiting! Come and work with our great team to help Make Notts Safe.
What we are looking for:
We are looking for a Media and Communications Officer to lead on the delivery of media and communications relating to the Safer Streets programme – a Home Office funded scheme delivering interventions across Nottinghamshire to prevent neighbourhood crime and antisocial behaviour and violence against women and girls. This primarily includes writing press releases, coordinating our social media activity and organising the Commissioner’s involvement in local stories such as attendance at events, commentary upon current issues, interviews, and ensuring that stories have appropriate graphics, photos and videography. You will liaise with partner agencies including Nottinghamshire Police, Nottingham City Council and all seven district and brough councils across the county to coordinate media and communications activity. You will work as part of our Communications and Engagement team, under the leadership of the Head of Comms.
About us:
It is an exciting time for the OPCC Commissioner here in Nottinghamshire. The Police and Crime Commissioner has an ambitious Police and Crime Plan (Make Notts Safe Plan) and our Office is working to deliver that plan. Collectively, we all play a part in working to ensure that there are fewer victims of crime, that we support those who have offended to desist and stabilise, and that there is greater trust and confidence in the police.
Who we are looking for:
We are looking for an enthusiastic and committed individual who will be self-motivated and who will work as a team and with our partners to make meaningful change for the people of Nottinghamshire.
You will be interested in police, crime and disorder, victim issues and positive work that can build confidence in communities across Nottinghamshire. You will be able to build positive networks amongst local media contacts and in partner organisations, including our statutory partners but also with grass roots community groups too.
It would be helpful for you to have knowledge of political environments and the role of Police and Crime Commissioner, as well as experience of supporting business delivery in a pressured environment. It will be helpful for you to have experience of working with a range of customers, stakeholders at all levels and partner agencies.
We want our workforce to represent the communities we serve, creating a culture where everyone feels safe and is welcomed, and we are committed to equality, diversity and inclusion.
Why you should work for us:
You will be welcomed by talented colleagues who work as a team. Working in our Office offers professional satisfaction as well as the opportunity to make a real difference to the lives of other people. It will provide stimulating professional interest and challenge and ensure delivery of services across a wide range of culturally diverse towns, city and rural communities, tailored to maximise local impact and to help ensure that everyone feels safe wherever they are based. Against this complex backdrop you will work with integrity, leading and working collaboratively with others, on behalf of all our communities.
We are committed to supporting the continuous professional development of our team members, including their learning and development needs.
We also support agile, flexible and hybrid working options where these suit business delivery.
What to do if you’re interested:
If you are interested in the role and if you would like to arrange a conversation to discuss it in more detail, please contact our Office by calling: 0115 844 5998 or by emailing: [email protected] to arrange to speak to a member of the senior leadership team about these vacancies.
When applying, please complete the information on the next few screens referring to the person specification and job description to indicate your suitability for the role. You can also attach a supporting statement of no more than 1500 words and your CV.
Please note that you must obtain your line manager’s sign off if applying for an internal vacancy. This will need to be submitted on the Line Manager Awareness Document (Support form) which is published on the intranet. Any applications submitted without the support document will not be progressed through the process. Completion of the Line Manager Awareness Document does not mean that release from your current role is supported. Should you be successful, a release date will be negotiated between the two departments.
Candidates currently at risk will be required to complete and attach the at-risk pro-forma document.
All applicants will be subject to the Force Vetting Policy.
Job details