Inpatient Booking Clerk Liverpool, England
Job description
Add patients to the Waiting List with information given via e-mail ensuring accuracy at all times. Send patient requests using the Inpatient Scheduler system booking directly into operating lists. This information comes via the Consultant, his secretary or e-mail. This requires prioritising admission dates to meet deadlines.
Select patients for surgery from waiting lists following strict written protocols. Admit, discharge and record attendances of patients for specific Consultants. Where appropriate arrange the booking of Ambulances for patient admissions and pre-operative assessments. Where appropriate arrange Interpreters and Signers for patients acknowledging cultural and personal beliefs.
Arrange pre op Appointments and liaise with pre op assessment nurses updating any relevant changes as a result of their pre op assessment and making sure outcomes are recorded correctly. Ensuring Consultant and secretaries are aware of any medical or social problems. Validate all waiting list suspend reports at regular intervals to ensure the suspend policy is adhered to. Print off waiting list reports and pre-admissions for all Consultants ensuring all information is correct and then forward onto the secretaries, Consultants and wards.
Liaise with theatre staff to ensure all theatres are fully utilised. Deal with patient enquires and complaints regarding their position on the waiting list, their length of wait, arranging dates for surgery avoiding holiday and work commitments. Updating change of address, phone number and GP information. Cancel patient admissions upon request by patient or clinician and replace on the list as appropriate.
Remove patients from the list when requested and inform patient, Consultant and GP as appropriate. Informing GPs of patients failure to attend pre op appointment and admission dates. Please see JD for further details.