Job description
Collaborative working arrangements Participates in the PCN MDT. Liaises with CCG colleagues including CCG pharmacists on prescribing related matters to ensure consistency of patient care and benefit. Liaises with colleagues including CCG,STP/ICS Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians on prescribing related matters to ensure consistency of patient care and benefit Liaises with colleagues including CCG,STP/ICS Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians Heads of Medicines Management/Optimisation to benefit from peer support Foster and maintain strong links with all services across the PCN and neighbouring networks. Explores the potential for collaborative working and takes opportunities to initiate and sustain such relationships.
Liaises with other stakeholders as needed for the collective benefit of patients Including but not limited to: 1. Patients and their representatives 2. GP, nurses and other practice staff 3. Social prescribers, first contact physiotherapists, physicians associates and paramedics.
4. Community pharmacists and support staff 5. Other members of the medicines management (MM) team including pharmacists, Pharmacy Technicians and Dieticians 6. Locality / GP prescribing lead 7.
Locality managers 8. Community nurses and other allied health professionals 9. Hospital staff with responsibilities for prescribing and medicines optimisation