Care Navigator (18- 25 year old specialist) - Oxford Cowley, London, England
Job description
This role involves a high level of organisation and planning in partnership with multi agency partners and families. This will include having an influential voice in the planning, formulation and adjustment of complex care programmes agreed at CETR meetings (care education and treatment review). This will impact how services work together to support CYP who are at the highest risk of admission to a mental health hospital. Make crucial judgements that will influence how services support CYP who are at crisis stage and, therefore mitigation against risk of sexual and physical abuse, complex family issues, self-harm and suicide risk is an important consideration.
This requires the ability to make good decisions quickly by using complex analysis, challenging contentious issues and selecting best options to reduce Appropriately manage and report safeguarding concerns and collaboratively work with Social Care and other multi-agencies to manage safety risks and keep CYP Work with health, education, social care and the third sector by providing and receiving complex, sensitive information and breakdown barriers to understanding in order to achieve a set of key outcomes based on what matters to the Work in partnership with the Thames Valley Provider Collaborative and Local Authority colleagues to ensure smooth facilitation of transition into and out of secure settings, and into adult services for young Communicate clearly with the CYP and their family to help them understand and navigate the system including how to access legal and medical Represent and champion the CYP and their family in discussions around provision of care as required, communicating compassionately with the CYP and their family and confidently influence and motivate a range of professionals involved in their Troubleshoot on behalf of the CYP and their family where required to ensure the necessary support is put in place to enable them to stay out of a mental health hospital or be discharged into the community and to promote joined-up, consistent care that meets their needs and rights. This may involve constructively challenging the status quo, bureaucratic decision making and decision making in This role requires someone who can organise and lead groups of professionals and CYP and their families to work together to influence and support decision making. The post holder will be able to build positive working relationships with multi-disciplinary agencies, CYP and families.