Technician – Lab and Field Chemist/Hydrologist Lancaster, England
Job description
Applications are invited for a new technical post as part of a UKRI NERC funded research project to study nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, carbon) at the ‘riparian’ interface between land and rivers across northern Europe. The applicant will need to work with national and international colleagues mostly at field sites in the Eden in Cumbria, but there may be field visits to Scotland, Sweden, and Germany on less frequent occasions.
The appointee will be responsible for setting up field equipment for hydrochemical monitoring and gauging in three sites in the Eden Valley. You may be asked to help assist other teams in Scotland and overseas.
The appointee will be responsible for leading the sampling and analysis of these sites monthly. This will involve collecting water samples from hillslopes around the river, collecting data from loggers, changing batteries, working with landowners, booking, or hiring cars.
The appointee will be responsible for setting up and maintaining a high quality nutrient analysis facility in the LEC water quality laboratories.
The appointee will occasionally be asked to help support student projects that are related to the wider project.
This is a 2-year position at 50% time year position available to start immediately. You are highly encouraged to contact Profs Phil Haygarth ([email protected]) or Jess Davies ([email protected]) who can provide further information regarding the project.
This is a joint project between the Lancaster Environment Centre and the James Hutton Institute in Scotland, led by
We welcome applications from people in all diversity groups.
We envisage the interview will take place in person at Lancaster University on March 21st 2023
For further information and to apply online please click the apply button.
Lancaster University – ensuring equality of opportunity and celebrating diversity.