Job description
Social Workers provide a vital function within Adult Social Care, ensuring that individuals have a solution focussed plan towards achieving their goals maintaining their independence. They focus on individual’s strengths not their limitations and support them towards improving their own health and wellbeing.
To work as part of an integrated multi-disciplinary team to provide high quality social work practice.
With autonomy and independent decision making complete proportionate assessments and care and support plans in partnership with people requiring help to live their life.
Undertaking individual/and or joint assessments, the post holder will identify and promote steps forward and solutions that build on people’s strengths and abilities focusing on their resilience, personal knowledge, skills and abilities, family relationships, community networks, and universal services (e.g. culture and leisure facilities like libraries and theatres, leisure centres).
The post-holder will deliver solution focused interventions enabling people to shape their own lives, identify their own goals to sustain their independence as far as possible. They will acknowledge the person’s situation by employing active listening techniques; ask questions that search out possibilities, eliciting the person’s knowledge, skills and abilities, as appropriate. They will assist them to agree goals as part of a proportionate assessment process.
The post holder will use Connect to Support to enable people to access information and advice and source local solutions to their needs that support wellbeing and independence.