Research Associate Sheffield, England
Job description
The University of Sheffield ATLAS group is seeking to recruit an enthusiastic research associate to work with Dr Christos Anastopoulos and Dr Kristin Lohwasser on analyses of Photon-induced processes in ATLAS.
You will be expected to develop and maintain a high profile by contributing effectively to the activities of the group and of the ATLAS collaboration. In particular you will be expected to contribute to areas such as measurements of photon-induced processes with a focus on Run-3 ultra-peripheral collisions (UPC) photon-induced interactions such as the “Measurement of light-by-light scattering”.
This project has received funding from STFC.
The ATLAS group is a component of the University of Sheffield Particle Physics and Particle Astrophysics (PPPA) group. The PPPA group also pursues an active research programme in neutrino physics (T2K, DUNE and HyperK), accelerator physics (MICE) and particle astrophysics (Advanced LIGO and LUX-ZEPLIN).
Further details of the group’s research activities can be found at https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/physics/research/particle/atlas
We’re one of the best not-for-profit organisations to work for in the UK. The University’s Total Reward Package includes a competitive salary, a generous Pension Scheme and annual leave entitlement, as well as access to a range of learning and development courses to support your personal and professional development.
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