Job description
We are recruiting a part-time (0.5fte) research associate to work with us for 18 months (1st September REPLACEMENT_STRING28th February 2025) on a new project focusing on improving practices when a baby is separated from their mother close to birth due to safeguarding concerns. The Giving HOPE project is a co-production project focusing on the development and piloting of a new intervention to minimise the trauma experienced by women when they are separated from their baby close to birth and to promote ongoing connection between mother and baby. It follows a 3-year qualitative study led by The Centre for Child and Family Justice Research (CfJ) which has resulted in new national guidelines to support practice when the state intervenes at birth.
The project, funded by Sir Halley Stewart Trust aims to further develop the intervention, map the care pathway and develop, pilot and evaluate a training package for midwives, social workers and allied professionals to ensure the most effective use of the intervention.
The project is a collaboration between CfJ, The Department of Women’s and Children’s Health at Kings College London and the Department of Psychology at Exeter University. The post holder will be based at Lancaster University within the Centre for Child and Family Justice Research (CfJ). We are a team built around collegiality, flexibility and share a passion for achieving change for those most disadvantaged.
Working as part of the wider team you will be expected to work flexibly across the project. You will need to be a competent project manager with excellent organisational skills to help ensure the project is delivered on time and to a high standard. You will be an effective communicator and build relationships with the key members of the team, including the lived experience group and professionals leading the activity in each of the four pilot sites.
You must hold a Masters Level qualification or higher. We are ideally seeking someone with a proven track record in project management and practice or policy knowledge/experience of maternity services, children’s social care or peri-natal psychology.
For more information about this role please contact the Principal Investigator Claire Mason, at [email protected]