Job description
Trainee Clinical Placements at East London NHS Foundation Trust: MUSIC THERAPY
This is an exciting time to apply for clinical training placements starting in September 2023 at East London NHS Foundation Trust (ELFT) in art therapy/art psychotherapy, dramatherapy, dance movement therapy and music therapy. Each academic year we provide approx. 30 arts therapies trainees with clinical placements through a centralised trainee recruitment programme. The number of placements this year has been increased to 35.
Over 60 arts therapists work across ELFT NHS in East London and Bedfordshire, in a wide range of acute and community services across the lifespan. ELFT NHS is committed to supporting the development of arts therapies to increase the choice and access our service users have to evidence-based therapies. Through our Trust Strategy we are widening the use of arts therapists’ skills, including supporting staff well-being and partnership working with external partners and co-production initiatives with experts through experience.
Trainees will receive excellent opportunities to participate in service development projects and innovative recovery-focused practice in the arts therapies. Support and clinical supervision from skilled arts therapists will be provided throughout your placement.
To undertake clinical work as requested and approved by the clinical supervisor and placement manager
To attend all centralised Trust training and induction events as directed by the placement coordinator
To attend all local training and induction as required by the clinical supervisor and/or local service manager
To observe Trust policy at all times during the placement, and to seek guidance on policy issues where necessary
To be able to engage fully with the opportunities offered at placement as they pertain to discipline specific practice and to wider multi-disciplinary / professional experience
To attend weekly clinical supervision with their ELFT supervisor, and to be able to make use of the supervisory relationship, education and guidance as offered by the clinical supervisor and/or by other professionals involved in the placement provision
To ensure that all actions on placement are transparent and accountable, and that there is appropriate disclosure / sharing of relevant information pertinent to any aspect of the placement
To demonstrate personal maturity and insight in managing all aspects of the placement experience, including the stressors and psychological impact of the work on the trainee
To seek guidance from the clinical supervisor, the service manager, or other appropriate ELFT and HEI staff on any matter of concern
To act at all times in a professional manner, and within the limits of competency.
Our mission is to make a positive difference to people's lives by improving the quality of life for all we serve. Our values are: We Care, We Respect, We are Inclusive – so we are looking for people who live and breathe these qualities when supporting service users and carers, and in their relationships with colleagues in the Trust and our partner organisations
Please kindly refer to the job description and person specification attached to this vacancy.
Any queries please do let me know