legal assistant Victoria
Job description
Our law firm client is a general practice law firm located a short 20-minute drive from Victoria, on Vancouver Island. They are committed to providing quality legal services that meet their clients’ needs. They have over 40 years of combined experience providing excellent, timely and cost-effective legal services. On behalf of our client, we are seeking an experienced Estate Administration Legal Assistant with intermediate to senior experience for a full-time permanent position. Candidates would be conversant with the following estate administration tasks:
- Manage all aspects of estate administration files from intake through to clearance and final payout
- Responding to telephone, email and in-person queries from the public regarding estates
- Meeting with executors to discuss estate matters and probate process
- Drafting Notices, Renunciations, Consents and Bank Authorizations, as required, and obtain signatures from various parties
- Conducting title, corporate and will searches
- Obtaining court-certified copies of foreign grants
- Communicating with financial institutions, government agencies, debt collectors, landlords, tenants, relatives, service and utility providers
- Researching to find missing testate or intestate beneficiaries
- Drafting correspondence to testate and intestate beneficiaries
- Drafting correspondence and communicating with legal counsel for parties related to estates
- Requesting and reviewing information to assist in determining estate assets
- Returning deceased’s personal identification to issuing bodies
- Requesting credit information from credit bureaus
- Communicating with the Public Guardian and Trustee’s office for minor or adult disabled individuals
- Requesting payouts for mortgages, liens or debts generally
- Drafting probate documents
- Drafting documents for additional applications (such as waiving notice)
- Communicating with Registry staff, and paying probate fees
- Preparing notarized copies of Grant and forwarding to accountants and financial institutions
- Invoicing estate files and follow up on collections
- Preparing packages for financial institutions and receiving funds to trust
- Drafting Interim and Final Estate/Trust Accounting, Releases and correspondence for distributions
- Preparing various death benefit and transfer documents
- Working with accountants and executors to ensure all necessary tax returns and Clearance Certificates are finalized prior to final estate distribution
Please apply online in confidence or contact our office for a confidential conversation about this opportunity.
About Sharon Wilcox Legal Staff Solutions
Revenue: Unknown / Non-Applicable
Size: Unknown
Type: Company - Private
Website: www.legalstaffsolutions.com