Home First Care and Support Worker Longton, West Midlands, England
Job description
The Home First service is an integrated clinical and care and support service that provides short term reablement intervention to enable people to maximise their independence and meet their health and social care needs within Midlands NHS Partnership Foundation Trust (MPFT).
The service seeks to offer rehabilitation programme for a time limited period to rebuild functional range of movement, confidence, relearn new skills by promoting peoples independence through health & social care interventions. The Home First Integrated service operates from 7am to 10pm over 365 days per year.
The post holder will be responsible for working in close collaboration with the Home First Multi-disciplinary Team which includes Nurses, Therapists, Care Support Workers and Social Workers.
The post holder will have exemplary communication skills, enabling them to be a role model for others, as well as positively representing the Trust values, in the delivery of effective, efficient and high quality services for service users. The post holder will be enthusiastic, passionate and a dynamic individual.
- Be involved in the first point of contact in the care pathway
- Assist in the delivery of outcome-based goals and self-directed goal planning
- Undertake person centred support planning
- Deliver support plans and safeguard vulnerable people
- Contribute to outcome focused reviews
- Encourage people's independence, choice, health & wellbeing
- Encourage individuals use of equipment and assistive technology
- Facilitate individuals transition to alternative services and support if needed
- Engage in organisational learning and development
- Provide excellent patient care & support
- Recording with Care – complete documentation and feedback
We pride ourselves on the services provided to support with the well-being of all of our employees both physically and mentally and offer counselling support and lifestyle information. Opportunities for flexible working are also available depending on the role.
We encourage career development provided by in house training programs and coaching support.
Demonstrating our strong commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion, and in context of our objective aligned to the growth of diversity across the workforce; we are particularly seeking applications from individuals who may be from under-represented groups, such as black, Asian or other ethnic groups, individuals with a disability, or LGBTQ+ individuals who meet the specific criteria.
We are embedding values based and inclusive recruitment practices to ensure that all applicants, from any backgrounds, have an equal chance of success in achieving a role with us.
- Work in partnership with other health professionals and external agencies to provide a personalised service to meet individuals’ needs.
- Read, follow, and implement support/rehabilitation plans clearly documenting the service user’s progress following care and support calls.
- To monitor and report any changes to care packages that contributes to a continuing review of the service user's care.
- To work unsupervised in people’s homes in the community.
- Promote the service user's privacy and dignity whilst undertaking personal activities of daily living.
- Maintaining the service user’s personal information and confidentiality at all times.
- Ensure the service user is involved in all decision making regarding their plan of health and social care.
- Communicate medication processes and assist / support the service user in managing medication and promoting independence.
- Support and assist service users in managing long term medical conditions and to maximise their independence which will include goal setting and rehabilitation with a therapist or other professional as appropriate.
- Enable, encourage and / or assist, support service users (where appropriate) with personal care such as bathing, showering, toileting, hygiene continence care, skin integrity, meal prep and medication.
- Encourage and inform service users in managing their own personal safety.
- Deliver competent palliative care and have the ability to support people and their carers/families at the end of their lives.
- Support, guide and enable service users in decision making scenarios and where appropriate refer to management or other professionals.
- Encourage, inform and enable service users in relation to basic health, wellbeing and individual choice and provide information on other internal / external services that meet individual needs.
- Monitor and record service users health and wellbeing including baseline observations and act on or report on any concerns or changes in the service users' condition, needs, or circumstances as appropriate
- Comply with all policies, procedures, and legislative frameworks.
- The post holder is required to contribute to the achievement of the service
- Ensure a work environment that protects people’s health and safety and that promotes welfare and safety.
- To report and escalate in accordance with Trust Policy any safeguarding concerns and promote the welfare of vulnerable adults.
- Participation and contribution in individual and peer supervision sessions, scheduled team meetings and any personal development conversations.
- Ability to support with clinical tasks according to appropriate procedure and protocol following training and support by clinical staff.