Health Care Assistant (HCA) – Physical Health London, England
Job description
The post holder will be a member of staff within the Recovery Service/ Neighbourhood Teams providing physical health checks to a defined group of SMI patients.
The post holder will be required to use both RIO and EMIS systems to perform investigations and enter health data on patients attending the CMHT.
The employment of HCAs working across the secondary care-primary care interface will enable much better links along the care pathway and allow direct communication between HCAs in primary care and secondary care.
The QOF (Quality and Outcomes Framework) physical health checks are the key physical health checks required.
- Blood pressure and pulse
- Lifestyle including diet and exercise
- Smoking status
- Substance misuse (drugs and alcohol use)
- Cardio-metabolic risk using tools such as Q-Risk and the Lester Tool
- Blood lipids including Cholesterol
- Blood sugar (HbA1c)
These includes:
Offer a physical health check to patients following them seeing their key workers.
- Complete needed tasks including bloods, ECGs, lifestyle advice and onward referral where needed- e.g. for smoking cessation, exercise on prescription etc.
- Enter the data onto the mental health template on EMIS and the corresponding RIO entry.
- Liaise with the practice nurse or GP where needed.
- Enter onto the RIO care plan for CPA patients
- Ensure the care plan is sent to GP
- Consider other health interventions such as encouraging bowel screening, cervical screening, sexual health screening where needed.
Our transformation work aims for teams of clinical and non-clinical staff to work together to make a greater positive impact on the health and lives of groups and communities of people living with mental ill-health. Through providing more integrated care across mental and physical health services in inner London, we have been able to test new ways of working within our Neighborhood teams, to deliver improvements aligned to the implementation of the Community Mental Health Framework for Adults and Older Adults.
For full dteails of the role, please refer to the attached Job Description and Person Specification.