Job description
This post will provide the strategic oversight and direction for iTECS engagement activities with extensive collaboration with iTECS Senior Leadership and Management Teams, all iTECS Service Branches and colleagues in Digital Directorate, and with the Scottish Government’s Corporate Communications team.
It will focus on the continuous development and delivery of an iTECS engagement strategy to improve how we engage with customers and stakeholders. This strategy will be based on audience insight, and you will evaluate the impact of our engagement with a focus on continuous improvement. As well as developing the strategy you will support its delivery through the production of communication messages on behalf of iTECS to stakeholders.
You will help ensure the alignment of engagement activities for the Division’s Technical Roadmap, which will deliver a range of new and innovative services to iTECS customer base across Scotland and beyond.
You will provide corporate and organisational level engagement support and guidance, ensuring consistent, balanced and representative delivery across the wide portfolio of iTECS functions. This high-profile role will enable you to play a significant role in shaping internal and external perceptions of iTECS and its services to all customers.
develop iTECS engagement strategy and lead on the delivery of a underpinning action plan which will be integral to our approach to delivering and improving our services.- provide innovative ideas on customer engagement, ensuring iTECS leadership strategy is understood, the services are clear and the value of our staff is transparent in line with the In the Service of Scotland mission, vision and values.
- design the internal and external engagement policies of iTECS and the operational and delivery functions across our ten branches to build on the existing good relationships with colleagues in the Internal Communications Team.
- Develop and deploy a consistent style for all iTECS engagement activity.
- be the focal point for delivering iTECS engagement for our Technology Futures Programme, further ICT initiatives and any iTECS adhoc events using the most appropriate channels and
- lead quality assurance and coordination for all external engagement from iTECS to customers.
Additional Duties
You will lead and manage all iTECS engagement functions and through an understanding of the current and future landscape for digital public services in Scotland will provide direct support to iTECS SLT on a wide range of strategic communications.
To support iTECS to become an exemplar of ICT services you will work closely with our customers and iTECS service branches to communicate and publicise the benefits of our ICT services, [undertake evaluation and feedback surveys on iTECS engagement and services, benchmarking exercises and develop improvement action plans.
Essential Criteria
Additional Information
For further information on this vacancy please download and review the “Person Specification” which you will find below.
Person Specification Band C
How to Apply
To apply please fully complete the application and submit evidence based examples to demonstrate your knowledge/skills (300 words). Remember, your answers should be clear, concise and reflect what actions you undertook. You may want to use the STAR(R) approach to respond to each criterion.
As part of any recruitment process, Scottish Government and associated public bodies collects and processes personal data relating to job applicants and applicants for public appointments.
Personal information you provide in the recruitment process will be made available to Scottish Government and our additional data processors.