Energy Trader London, England
Job description
Permanent | Full-time | JO1856
Our client is an expanding and successful energy consultancy, working with nationwide corporate, industrial and commercial clients. Consultancy services include gas, electric and water contract negotiation, contract management, energy reporting, billing validation and invoice recharging.
Energy Trader Role Purpose:
Responsible for ensuring client’s flex baskets are traded/ hedged effectively, reacting to market movements, advising the internal account managers and external clients on the best way to trade out their open positions. There will be a good deal of direct supplier and client interaction and report creation.
Energy Trader Key responsibilities include:
- Monitoring market and energy industry information from different resources, such as Eikon, National Grid, BEIS and other media channels
- Prepare and provide a market outlook for gas and power procurement to the team and/or clients
- Prepare written market reports (daily and weekly) and client-customised report
- Prepare and/or present a weekly market summary to the team
- Occasionally write articles about energy markets and change in the industry
- Monitor and estimate required trading volume for flexible gas and power contracts
- Check position reports from suppliers every week
- Calculate the consumption profile in monthly granularity
- Communicate with account managers and/or clients about trading
- Place the trades on behalf of flexible clients, including a full trading cycle
- Communicate with suppliers about flexible contracts
- Help Account managers estimate budgets, including commodity, non-comms, CCL and other relevant charges.
- Calculate and/or estimate the commodity costs for both fixed and flexible clients, and provide them to the team
- Collect data - consumption, weather, and other relevant characteristics
- Perform consumption assessment and forecasting with multiple regression analysis
- Communicate with the software team to bring analysis alive
- Engaging closely with software developers to deliver market-leading energy management portals
Energy Trader Requirements:
- Minimum three years experience of trading for flexible gas and/or power contracts
- Understanding of UK gas and power wholesale markets, including market dynamics, fundamentals, and market drivers
- Basic knowledge of UK gas and power retail contracts, including both fixed and flexible products
- Understanding of European gas and power wholesale markets
- Knowledge of basic econometric forecasting models, such as regression
- Knowledge of Value at Risk (VaR) and Expected shortfall (CVaR), and corresponding backtesting
- Knowledge of hybrid machine learning and econometric models, such as penalised regression, principal components regression and partial least square
- Python or another equivalent programming language(s)
Only suitable candidates will be directly contacted by Trapeze Recruitment about this position and we will not store or process data of candidates in any way unless consent has been obtained.