Children's Community Nursing Team Leader London, England
Job description
An exiting opportunity has arisen for a fixed term maternity cover post in an existing well established dynamic Community Children’s Nursing Team (CCNT).
They will work as the lead for the CCNT, assessing, planning and instigating treatments within agreed policies and clinical guidelines under the mentorship and supervision of the paediatric consultant in charge of the medical service.
The post holder will be expected to develop an innovative and collaborative approach in conjunction with acute hospital Trust’s and primary care teams to provide a comprehensive and seamless service for children, with the aim of reducing acute admissions and length of hospital stay for children.
To develop and implement agreed care pathways, protocols, and guidelines to care for children at home. The post holder will liaise closely with hospital medical staff, general practitioners, community and hospital nursing teams and the multi professional team to provide a holistic service responsive to the needs of children and their families.
The post holder will work closely with the H@H team lead, community matron and the Acute team to promote the service and ensure high standards of care and patient safety are maintained at all times.
The post holder will be responsible for ensuring all nursing staff are trained and competent in assessing, planning implementing and evaluating nursing care and that accurate records are maintained.
- To Facilitate efficient and effective patient flow from hospital attendance to home, helping ensure that we meet the 4 hour wait time in the emergency department.
- To perform highly skilled acute nursing care and assessment for children at home.
- To work closely with ward managers, paediatricians, matrons and the patient flow team
- To expediate referrals home on a daily biases
- To act as an excellent role model and leader to all
- To participate in the development in new care pathways
- To support the evaluation of the service and adapt as necessary
- To promote the service and ensure seamless referral pathways from primary care, tertiary centres and 0-9 services.
The function of the team is to provide hospital standard care to children with nursing needs in the community. The team will work closely with paediatricians and pharmacy colleagues to ensure a seamless transfer home and provide high quality nursing care according to their treatment plan. The CCNT and H@H service supports the NHS Long Term Plan which emphasises the importance of care to be provided closer to home.
General Nursing Duties
- Identify opportunities for new care pathways
- Liaise and communicate with medical, nursing and AHP colleagues to develop robust care and treatment plans for children at home
- Administration of intravenous medication
- Assessment of children following exacerbation of asthma
- Clinical decision making
- Clinical assessment of the acutely unwell child
- Care of intravenous devices – peripheral and central
- Care of enteral feeding devices including nasogastric tubes
- Teaching of staff and parents in the care needed for the child
- Provide evidence based clinical care according to the child’s care and treatment plan
- Ensure dignity and respect is shown to patients and their families at all times
- Escalate concerns to medical and senior nursing colleagues
- Excellent documentation and record keeping skills
- Provision of correct equipment and ensuring safe storage of this in the community
- Close working with PAU/ED and ward nursing colleagues
- Participate in daily huddles and ward rounds to promote the service and pick up additional referrals
- To maintain and promote team and multi-disciplinary work with the specialties, working closely and regularly with the medical staff.
- Ensure optimal use of resources
- Undertake any other duties as required (within sphere of responsibility)
- Acts as an ambassador/role model for the organisation and the Caring Profession
- Visit wards regularly to keep updated and communicate movement of patients with ward staff;
- Maintain patient records in accordance with Trust policies;
- Participate in preparation for any external audits or inspections (e.g. CQC);
- To communicate effectively and in a timely manner with colleagues both internally at North Middlesex and externally and patients;
- Liaise on a daily basis with all key personnel within the division both verbally and through written documentation;
- Communicate effectively and in a timely manner with flow team and ward staff regarding transfer of patients to home
- Collaborate and consult with the multi-disciplinary health care teams and the patient, communicating sensitive, complex information;
- Maintain confidentiality, while recording data, plans and results in a manner that preserves the dignity and privacy of the patient;
- Incorporate current technology appropriately in care delivery and use information systems to support decision-making and to improve care;
- Support the introduction and maintenance of quality systems and processes within own area and act consistently with legislation, policies and procedures and other quality approaches;
- Attend and participate in meetings, as required;
- To communicate effectively with parents and children, taking into account the needs of those for whom English is not their first language, using interpreters and bilingual health advocates when necessary or children and families with learning difficulties
- To ensure the service reflects the philosophy of children’s community nursing for children and their families, with consideration of local and national recommendations/individual/ethnic/cultural/social and religious needs.
- To ensure robust standards and frameworks are in place, in line with current recommendations, to ensure children always receive high quality family centered care.
- To initiate, develop and implement plans/strategies for improvement of paediatric services in conjunction with the multi-disciplinary teams.
- To promote close collaboration and cohesive working relationships with General Practitioners, other community health professionals, the paediatric team, through effective communication channels and a harmonious working environment.
- Work closely with senior nursing colleagues to ensure robust and effective processes and systems are in place.
- To identify and implement necessary changes to meet the needs of children and their families and the service.
- To develop nurse practitioner led services and enhance the role of the paediatric nurse in the community.
- Ensure effective communication is established with parents, carers and patients that is appropriate and understandable.
- Participate in and initiate audit, quality initiatives and projects as required to evaluate and develop the acute children’s urgent care pathways.
- Ensure risk management strategies are implemented within area of responsibility and that staff understand and enact the incident reporting procedures.
- Be proactive in implementing action/learning plans to reduce potential risks or recurrence of adverse incidents.
- Be proactive in minimising complaints; working closely with senior colleagues seeking to provide local resolution wherever possible.
- To ensure staff are familiar with national, professional, and local quality issues relevant to the delivery of services.
- Develop and maintain effective communication strategies with primary care and acute unit staff, meeting regularly with the manager to discuss, plan and co-ordinate the service
- Understand and contribute to the delivery of a changing and developing service through personal and professional development;
- Contribute towards modernising services and encourage staff to do likewise;
- Discuss present performance/future needs with line manager and Service Manager, in accordance with Trust policy and maintain own records of professional development;
- Attend appropriate training, meetings and educational courses to develop self in role; Participate in discussions in team re: future planning and service development;
- Lead on delegated projects relating to service development and policy implementation;
- Identify own development needs in line with service requirements and proactively develop and improve own competence;
- Provide opportunities for staff to develop specialty knowledge and skills, and act as a role model;
- Attend relevant training sessions to maintain compliance with Trust policy;
- Provide clinical advice as required to all professionals and junior colleagues which promotes clinical practice that reduces risk to patients;
- Have excellent clinical understanding and practice with developed assessment skills;
- To have a working knowledge of and work within the infection control policies and guidelines and assist infection control team in the management of outbreaks and to be a resource to nursing staff;
- Provide clinical support and assistance to junior nursing and medical staff;
- To act as professional role model for all health care professional staff;
- To act as an ambassador for the Trust and inspire staff groups to achieve local and national targets in patient access and care;
- Promote health education and provide appropriate information and advice to patients and their carers;
Have line management responsibility for the CCN and H@H nurses and Health Care Assistant (HCA)
- Monitor statutory and mandatory training compliance and meet the trust target in relation to this
- Carry out appraisals for CCN, H@H nurses and HCA according to trust policy
- Manage performance and absence according to trust HR policy
- Represent the CCN and H@H team at Pan London forums and other events to raise the profile of the service
- Encourage, support and develop the CCN and H@H team to maintain morale and help retention
- Monitor the health and wellbeing of self and team members, making appropriate referrals to support this
- Act as a role model, displaying North Middlesex University Hospital values and upholding the NMC code of conduct at all times
- Work in collaboration with the nursing leadership team in the division to develop joint working practices and maintain excellent communication across departments
- Manage own time effectively to meet the requirements of the Lead Nurse role.
- Provide learning opportunities for team members and support those who are undertaking further study
- Respond to any complaints or concerns raised about the CCN and H@H service or team members
- To hold budget accountability for the service
- To lead on staff recruitment and retention
- To represent the service both locally and nationally
- Support and manage junior staff and student nurses.
- To possess and demonstrate a high level knowledge of children’s nursing and quality issues and to provide effective supervision of patient care in this area.
- To ensure a high level of access ability for children, young people and families to the service.
- To participate in clinical care as required, acting as a role model in assessing, planning delivering and evaluating care for children within the Trust’s clinical practice guidelines.
- To facilitate the implementation of new initiatives.
- Provide knowledge of child protection procedures, liaising with the child protection team as required.
- Act as an advocate for high quality patient care, ensuring that relevant standards are understood, implemented, monitored and maintained.
- To lead on quality improvement projects for the service
- Respond to any complaints or concerns raised about the CCN and H@H service or team members
- Implement changes to the service in order to improve quality of care.
- Develop and maintain links with others working in Advanced Nurse Practitioner roles across hospital and community posts