Business Change Manager - Evolve Manchester, England
Job description
Working with senior business change managers, business lead(s), project manager(s) and other key stakeholders, to manage, coordinate and deliver University-wide, high change projects and, in particular, the delivery of the change management elements of the project(s), including the coordination of communication and engagement.
To develop a clear vision of project outcomes and engage with stakeholders and project team members in order to create a sense of unity and common purpose in the delivery of significant change projects. The role will potentially be required to support a range of projects and to understand and manage inter-relationships between these where appropriate in order to demonstrate maximum impact and benefit to the organisation.
To ensure appropriate working partnerships are in place with appropriate business units (e.g. PMO, Staff Learning Development), colleagues, students, and external stakeholders, which are conducive to the effective realisation of the change project(s).
As an equal opportunities employer we welcome applicants from all sections of the community regardless of age, sex, gender (or gender identity), ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation and transgender status. All appointments are made on merit.
Our University is positive about flexible working – you can find out more here
Blended working arrangements may be considered
Please note that we are unable to respond to enquiries, accept CVs or applications from Recruitment Agencies.
Enquiries about the vacancy, shortlisting and interviews:
Name: Karen O'Neil
Email: [email protected]
General enquiries:
Email: [email protected]
Technical support:
This vacancy will close for applications at midnight on the closing date.
Please see the link below for the Further Particulars document which contains the person specification criteria.