Assistant Residential Support Worker

Assistant Residential Support Worker The Mumbles, Wales

Action for Children
Full Time The Mumbles, Wales 21030 GBP ANNUAL Today
Job description

Assistant Residential Worker

Salary: £21,030 per annum (pro-rata for part-time)

Location: Mumbles, Swansea

Contract/Hours: Permanent Part-time – 28 hours per week typically worked over (3 to 4 days)

Benefits: 29 days annual leave PLUS bank holidays, professional qualifications, excellent training and development opportunities, flexible maternity, adoption and paternity packages, up to 7% employer contribution pension, discount portal with your favourite brands.

Interviews to be held on or around 21 April 2023

Vulnerable children in the UK need your help

Wherever you work in the Action for Children family, you'll be helping to change the lives of the most vulnerable children in the UK.

Last year, we helped more than 670,000 children and families across the UK. From direct work in communities to national campaigning, we are focused on making sure every child has a safe and happy childhood, and the foundations they need to thrive.

Why Action for Children?

Working here is more than a job. Everyone in the Action for Children family is passionate about protecting and supporting children. It's the sense of purpose that drives us every single day. Because we know that, when we work together, we can make a huge difference to bring lasting improvements to vulnerable children's lives.

Tell me about the service and role

Ty Laura Short Breaks is a 4-bedded residential service which provides short breaks for children and young people aged 5-17 with disabilities.

As an Assistant Residential Worker, you'll help our team provide a safe, stimulating, fun and caring environment, supporting the children with household tasks and all aspects of their care.

You'll also attend training, team meetings and take part in supervisions during the day. You'll be a key team member who will support the manager and team leader to ensure the service is run as efficiently and effectively as possible.

How you'll help to create brighter futures

As an Assistant Residential Worker, you'll join the friendly team to provide sessional support to children and young people out in the community. You'll be a key role model to the people we support, whilst helping children to develop essential life skills and grow in confidence! These positions are extremely rewarding and inspiring and have a huge impact in shaping and changing the lives of the children and young people. So what will you be doing?

  • Getting involved in lots of fun activities both within the project and out in the community (leisure activities, park visits, rugby, shopping trips).
  • Taking responsibility for the personal care and daily routines of the young people.
  • Supporting young people to achieve positive outcomes.
  • Being responsible for the safeguarding of young people.
  • Help coach young people to develop essential life skills such as cooking, cleaning and money matters.

Let's talk about you

We are seeking enthusiastic, proactive and self-motivated individuals to join our supportive team! These are excellent opportunities to support activities and sessions providing quality care for children in need. As well as this we are looking for:

  • Level 3 QCF in Social Care or happy to work toward this after your probation.
  • Experience of working with vulnerable children or young people.
  • Registration or willingness to register with Social Care Wales, which we will support you with.
  • Ideally; being a driver and having an access to a car would be preferred but we welcome applications from non-drivers also.

Good to know

Application Process

There are five sections to complete: Personal Details, CV, Supporting Statement & Information, Equality & Diversity, Submission & Declaration.

Talent Pool

We know talent when we see it. But sometimes we find the right person but not for the right job. We'd love to keep your details for when the right job comes up. Let us know if you'd rather we didn't.

Contact: Scott Jones on 01923 361 778 or at [email protected]

Diversity, equality and inclusion

At Action for Children, we're dedicated to building a diverse, inclusive, and authentic workplace. We actively encourage applications from Black, Asian & Minority Ethnic and disabled candidates as they are under-represented within Action for Children. We want to take deliberate and purposeful action to ensure equal opportunity to all groups in society and for Action for Children.

Don't meet every single requirement?

Studies show that women and Black, Asian & Minority Ethnic people are less likely to apply for a job unless they meet every qualification. So, if you're excited about this role but your experience doesn't align perfectly with the job description, we'd love you to apply anyway. You might just be the perfect person for this role, or another role within the Action for Children family.

Want to know more about Action for Children?

Find us on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook or YouTube to get to know us better.


Gweithiwr Preswyl Cynorthwyol

Cyflog: £21,029.27 y flwyddyn

Lleoliad: Y Mwmbwls, Abertawe

Contract/Oriau: Parhaol, Rhan-amser - 28 awr yr wythnos

Buddion: 29 diwrnod o wyliau blynyddol YN OGYSTAL â gwyliau banc, cymwysterau proffesiynol, cyfleoedd hyfforddi a datblygu rhagorol, pecynnau mamolaeth, mabwysiadu a thadolaeth hyblyg, pensiwn gyda hyd at 7% o gyfraniad gan y cyflogwr, porth sy'n cynnig disgownt ar eich hoff frandiau.

Cyfweliadau i'w cynnal ar neu o gwmpas 21 Ebrill 2023

Mae angen eich help ar blant sy'n agored i niwed yn y DU

Ble bynnag y byddwch yn gweithio yn nheulu Gweithredu dros Blant, byddwch yn helpu i newid bywydau'r plant sydd fwyaf agored i niwed yn y DU.

Y llynedd, fe wnaethom helpu mwy na 600,000 o blant a theuluoedd ledled y DU. O waith uniongyrchol mewn cymunedau i ymgyrchoedd cenedlaethol, rydym yn canolbwyntio ar sicrhau bod pob plentyn yn cael plentyndod diogel a hapus, a'r sylfeini sydd eu hangen i ffynnu.

Pam Gweithredu dros Blant?

Mae gweithio yma yn fwy na swydd. Mae gan bawb yn nheulu Gweithredu dros Blant angerdd tuag at ddiogelu a chefnogi plant. Yr ymdeimlad o bwrpas sy'n ein sbarduno bob dydd. Oherwydd gwyddom, pan fyddwn yn gweithio gyda'n gilydd, y gallwn wneud gwahaniaeth enfawr drwy gyflwyno gwelliannau parhaol i fywydau plant sy'n agored i niwed.

Dywedwch wrthyf am y gwasanaeth a'r swydd

Mae gwasanaeth Seibiannau Byr Tŷ Laura yn wasanaeth preswyl 4 gwely sy'n darparu seibiannau byr i blant a phobl ifanc 5-17 oed ag anableddau.

Fel Gweithiwr Preswyl Cynorthwyol, byddwch yn helpu ein tîm i ddarparu amgylchedd diogel, ysgogol, hwyliog a gofalgar, gan gefnogi'r plant gyda thasgau o amgylch y cartref a phob agwedd ar eu gofal.

Byddwch hefyd yn mynychu sesiynau hyfforddi, cyfarfodydd tîm ac yn cymryd rhan mewn sesiynau goruchwylio yn ystod y dydd. Byddwch yn aelod allweddol o'r tîm a fydd yn cefnogi'r rheolwr a'r arweinydd tîm i sicrhau bod y gwasanaeth yn cael ei redeg mor effeithlon ac effeithiol â phosibl.

Sut y byddwch yn helpu i greu dyfodol disglair

Fel Gweithiwr Preswyl Cynorthwyol, byddwch yn ymuno â'r tîm cyfeillgar i ddarparu cymorth sesiynol i blant a phobl ifanc allan yn y gymuned. Byddwch yn fodel rôl allweddol i'r bobl rydym yn eu cefnogi, gan helpu plant i ddatblygu sgiliau bywyd hanfodol a chynyddu eu hyder! Mae'r swyddi hyn yn rhoi llawer o foddhad, yn cynnig llawer o ysbrydoliaeth ac yn cael effaith fawr o ran siapio a newid bywydau'r plant a'r bobl ifanc. Felly beth fyddwch chi'n ei wneud?

  • Cymryd rhan mewn llawer o weithgareddau hwyliog o fewn y prosiect ac allan yn y gymuned (gweithgareddau hamdden, ymweliadau â pharciau, rygbi, teithiau siopa).
  • Cymryd cyfrifoldeb dros ofal personol a threfn ddyddiol y bobl ifanc.
  • Cefnogi pobl ifanc i gyflawni canlyniadau cadarnhaol.
  • Cyfrifol am ddiogelu pobl ifanc.
  • Helpu i hyfforddi pobl ifanc i ddatblygu sgiliau bywyd hanfodol fel coginio, glanhau a materion ariannol

Gadewch i ni sôn amdanoch chi

Rydym yn chwilio am unigolion brwdfrydig, rhagweithiol sydd â hunangymhelliant i ymuno â'n tîm cefnogol! Mae'r rhain yn gyfleoedd gwych i gefnogi gweithgareddau a sesiynau sy'n darparu gofal o ansawdd i blant mewn angen. Yn ogystal â hyn rydym yn chwilio am:

  • Lefel 3 FfCCh mewn Gofal Cymdeithasol neu barodrwydd i weithio tuag at hyn ar ôl eich cyfnod prawf.
  • Profiad o weithio gyda phlant a phobl ifanc sy'n agored i niwed.
  • Wedi cofrestru neu'n fodlon cofrestru â Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru, a byddwn yn eich cynorthwyo gyda hyn.
  • Yn ddelfrydol; byddwch yn gallu gyrru a bydd gennych fynediad i gar ond rydym hefyd yn croesawu ceisiadau gan bobl nad ydynt yn gallu gyrru hefyd.

Pethau y dylech eu gwybod

Y Broses Ymgeisio

Mae pum adran i'w cwblhau: Manylion Personol, CV, Datganiad a Gwybodaeth i Gefnogi eich Cais, Cydraddoldeb ac Amrywiaeth, Cyflwyniad a Datganiad.

Cronfa Dalent

Rydym yn adnabod talent pan fyddwn ni'n ei weld. Ond weithiau rydym yn dod o hyd i'r person iawn ond nid ar gyfer y swydd iawn. Byddem wrth ein bodd yn cadw'ch manylion nes bydd y swydd iawn yn codi. Rhowch wybod i ni os byddai'n well gennych i ni beidio â gwneud hynny.

Cysylltwch â: Scott Jones ar 01923 361 778 neu [email protected]

Amrywiaeth, cydraddoldeb a chynhwysiant

Yn Gweithredu dros Blant, rydym yn ymroddedig i greu gweithle amrywiol, cynhwysol a dilys. Rydym yn annog ceisiadau gan ymgeiswyr Du, Asiaidd a Lleiafrifoedd Ethnig ac anabl gan nad oes ganddynt gynrychiolaeth ddigonol yn Gweithredu dros Blant. Rydym yn awyddus i gymryd camau bwriadol a phwrpasol i sicrhau cyfle cyfartal i bob grŵp mewn cymdeithas ac i bawb yn Gweithredu dros Blant.

Ddim yn bodloni pob un o'r gofynion unigol?

Mae astudiaethau'n dangos bod menywod a phobl Ddu, Asiaidd a Lleiafrifoedd Ethnig yn llai tebygol o ymgeisio am swydd oni bai eu bod yn bodloni pob cymhwyster. Felly, os ydych yn teimlo'n gyffrous ynglŷn â'r swydd hon ond nad yw'ch profiad yn cyd-fynd yn berffaith â'r swydd-ddisgrifiad, byddem wrth ein bodd pe baech yn gwneud cais beth bynnag. Efallai mai chi yw'r person delfrydol ar gyfer y swydd hon, neu swydd arall o fewn teulu Gweithredu dros Blant.


Assistant Residential Support Worker
Action for Children
London, United Kingdom
Melanie Armstrong
$100 to $500 million (USD)
1001 to 5000 Employees
Non-profit Organisation
Civic, Welfare & Social Services
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