Job description
The MindMate Support Team (MMST) is part of the governments trailblazer project aiming to put new Mental Health Support Teams in education settings. The aim is to improve the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people in response to the governments Green Paper (2017) to transform Young Peoples Mental Health by focussing on early intervention. We have recently been successful in gaining funding to expand the team, and are now looking to recruit a number of Trainee Education Mental Health Practitioners (EMHPs). EMHPs play a vital role in the team, contributing to increasing and improving emotional wellbeing and mental health provision for Children, Young People, and their families within education settings across Leeds.
This exciting role will include the completion of Health Education England (HEE) funded training course at the University of Sheffield. The funding lasts two years meaning successful candidates will be unable to apply for another HEE funded course for two years post qualifying.
Alongside the University course, Trainee EMHPs will be expected to carry out clinical work and completed job roles within the MMST.
The EMHP role is now recognised as being a part of professional registration. The trust aligns itself with the BABCP as a body of registration, which aims to provide code of conducts and meeting standards of the role.
This post may be closed early due to high numbers of applicants.