Specialist Biomedical Scientist - Haematology/Blood Transfusion Bradford, Yorkshire and the Humber, England
Job description
Candidates will need to be enthusiastic, well- motivated and innovative, with good organisational and practical abilities supported by scientific knowledge. Well-developed interpersonal and communication skills and an ability to support individual and team working is essential. All of these skills and attributes are in line with the Trust’s Right Care Behaviours.
Applicants should possess the IBMS Specialist Portfolio in Haematology/ Blood Transfusion or equivalent qualification in Haematology/ Blood Transfusion or experience (at least 5 years’ experience) and significant discipline specific experience and knowledge.
Internal rotation throughout all areas of Haematology/Blood Transfusion will be required to maintain competency and full participation in the out of hours shift system is essential.
To work as part of a team of skilled Biomedical Scientists within the Haematology and Blood Transfusion department to provide a high quality pathology service.
To write/ review and follow Departmental Standard Operating Procedures and to supervise and assist in the training of new and junior staff, including Laboratory Support staff. Play an active role within the development of the department including Quality Management System duties.
The post holder will assist in carrying out the routine work of the Department in order to meet departmental and organisational objectives.
Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (BTHFT), Airedale NHS Foundation Trust (ANHSFT) and Harrogate General Hospital (HGH) are high-performing Trusts providing acute and specialist outreach services for local people.
BTHFT, ANHSFT and HGH have formed a joint venture, Integrated Pathology Solutions LLP (IPS) to provide pathology services to the three organisations and other local healthcare providers.
The Blood Transfusion department hosts Ortho Vision auto-analysers and a manual workstation for pre-transfusion testing procedures. The Blood transfusion laboratory facilitates provision of blood components and blood products to the main acute Site at Bradford Royal infirmary as well as satellite sites (St Luke’s Hospital and Marie Curie Hospice).
The Haematology department hosts Sysmex XN auto-analysers, ACL-TOP 550 coagulation analysers and Alifax/Alifax roller ESR analysers.
The department offers multiple training opportunities and continual professional development opportunities. We are passionate about developing our staff in order for them to fulfil their potential.
The trust offers staff benefits include a children's day nursery, restaurant facilities and staff gymnasium facility, there is a Marks and Spencer’s minimart and Costa on site at Bradford Royal Infirmary.
1. To work in the various areas of the Department under the direction of the Section Manager providing an efficient, safe and high quality technical service. This is to include the interpretation and validation of laboratory results and to provide technical advice to clinical staff.
2. To work as part of the Pathology team providing mutual support at all times ensuring that work is completed and that equipment is maintained appropriately.
3. To undertake and comply with all departmental standard operating procedures and quality standards with regard to work selection and methods.
4. To undertake point of care testing procedures at off site clinics.
5. To supervise the work of junior grades and support staff.
6. To assist in the training of staff and visitors
7. To participate in the Out of Hours (OOH) shift system under agenda for change on a rostered basis as and when required, including evening, nights and weekend working. Whilst participating in the OOH shift system you will be expected:
- to prioritise requests appropriate to clinical need, arrange workflow to accommodate instrument capability and to optimise turn-around times for urgent requests
- to ensure that you have the ability to work independently and have freedom to act on technical issues
- to use professional judgement and technical expertise and to operate without immediate supervision
- to deal with general Pathology technical issues from clinical, nursing and operational areas of the Trust. You will be required to have some knowledge of the sections of Pathology not covered during OOH shift hours
- to ensure that other sections of Pathology not covered during OOH shift hours continue to have a basic emergency service. This will require some training in these sections
- to ensure that the Pneumatic Air Tube system remains operational, including liaising with portering, ward, switchboard and shift engineering staff.
9. To participate in an annual Staff Development Review, Continual Professional Development and the educational activities of the Department.
10. To participate in monitoring Clinical Effectiveness and the audit activities of the Department and to contribute to the Trust procedures and activities in support of Clinical Governance.
11. To participate in ensuring that the Department complies with the requirements of UKAS ISO 15189 standards.
12. To be able to identify, handle safely, use and store all substances hazardous to health and comply with the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations.
13. To co-operate with supervisors, managers and other employees to achieve a healthy and safe working environment, to take reasonable care of your own health and safety and that of other persons who may be affected by your actions, to carry out your responsibilities in ways that help to ensure a safe and healthy place of work.
14. In the course of your work you are to bring to the attention of your supervisor or manager:
- any situation which reasonably could be considered to represent a serious or immediate danger to the health & safety of any person
- any matter which reasonably could be considered to represent a shortcoming in the Trust’s health & safety protection arrangements.
16. To lift and manoeuvre light goods and equipment in accordance with manual handling regulations and good practice.
17. To deal politely and efficiently with any enquiries from staff regarding investigations required and results where appropriate.
18. To deal politely and efficiently with any enquiries from patients and any members of the public.
19. To work within the Trust Equal Opportunities Policy and promote equality of opportunity at work and equality of access to healthcare at all times.
20. To ensure confidentiality at all times, to be aware of the Data Protection Act in relation to all information concerning patients and to only release information to those acting in an official capacity as authorised by Trust and/or Departmental policy.
21. To undertake any other duties necessary for the successful performance of the role.
Additional information sheet:
- To act as an experienced HCPC registered Biomedical Scientist to provide a continuous and comprehensive pathology service to aid effective diagnosis and treatment. Confirming analytical and technical validity of investigations, liaising with clinical, biochemistry and haematology staff to ensure results are urgently actioned.
- Staff committing to OOH will perform duties that constitute significantly different working patterns and responsibilities to routine day working.
- Rostered hours will include “out of hours” evenings, weekend and night working unsupervised in the appropriate section.
- To have the necessary knowledge experience and ability to work independently with enhanced responsibility, working unsupervised as required with freedom to act.
- When necessary to liaise with IT staff to resolve computer problems.
- To interact with Pathology staff from other sections in case of unforeseen emergencies or major accidents to offer support and assistance when patient welfare may be affected.
- To make suitable alternative arrangements in case of equipment failure.
- To solve urgent queries raised by bleep or telephone using a professional attitude.
- To use professional judgement and technical expertise to operate without immediate supervision and to assume first-line responsibility for Pathology when management staff are unavailable on site during OOH.
- Knowledge of professional discipline specific specialised procedures acquired through experience and on-going CPD activities.
- Required to assess the suitability of samples received, and to liaise with laboratory and medical staff as appropriate.
- To refer unusual or unfamiliar events to senior staff for action or advise.
- To ensure data integrity when entering patient demographics and results into the laboratory computer system
- To take responsibility for finishing, checking and validating colleagues’ work as and when required during shift change over.
- To ensure prompt referral of results that exceed action limits to the appropriate staff.
- To operate in the absence of supervisory staff as necessitated by section rota commitments.
- To offer advice and guidance on the services available from the section, information about the analysis performed and to refer medical enquiries to the appropriate pathologist.
- To provide were possible, specialised items or supplies from the department especially out-of-hours.