Job description
Promote awareness within the Trust of everyones responsibility to safeguard children and promote their welfare and to promote good professional practice throughout CCS services in relation to safeguarding children Work with the other safeguarding specialist nurses to provide the health input to the Multi-agency Safeguarding Hub in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough To research, collate and appropriately share health information and contribute to the health component of multi-agency decision making within the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) Encourage practitioners wherever possible to listen to and act on the voice of the child within their practice, record keeping and reports Deputise for the Named Professional when appropriate, with regard to Safeguarding children and to actively contribute to the development of links with other agencies Assist the Named Professional and Heads of Safeguarding to ensure that safeguarding systems, policies and procedures are regularly monitored, evaluated and developed To work with Trust staff to promote best practice, to identify risk factors and to initiate appropriate action to safeguard children and young people at risk of or suffering from physical, sexual, emotional abuse or neglect Provide safeguarding children supervision to practitioners within the childrens workforce to promote confident safe practice and promote the practitioners skills and competencies to safeguard children Provide expert advice support and guidance to all staff within CCS Cambridgeshire in relation to safeguarding children To support staff to take appropriate action when children and young people are identified as being at risk or suffering from maltreatment Contribute to the development, delivery and facilitation of the Safeguarding Training Plan to enable staff members to be equipped with the competencies, knowledge and awareness to respond appropriately to any safeguarding children concerns Participate in complex case management and case reviews at both single and multi- agency levels Assist the Named Professional to identify areas of improvement through quality assurance and audit, which will provide evidence to support the Clinical Governance Framework Support Trust staff in their responsibilities with regard to child protection documentation and record keeping. i.e. case conference preparation, referrals to childrens services (MASH), report writing etc. seeking additional specialist advice when required Assist the Named Professional and Heads of Safeguarding to ensure that safeguarding systems, policies and procedures are regularly monitored, evaluated and developed To support the named professional in preparation for and contribute to, Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews, previously known as Serious Case Reviews To ensure that recommendations and action plans from Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews are implemented appropriately and that any learning from these are incorporated into training and disseminated across the Trust.
Ensure appropriate action is taken when clinical risks are identified by self or a team member and that the escalation process is followed appropriately