Job description
To be highly visible, providing sound expert safeguarding advice, support and clinical expertise to Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust (Trust) staff in all areas of safeguarding children and adults. To act as a role model demonstrating effective leadership and political awareness on a daily basis and promote Trust values. Provide expert safeguarding consultancy and advice to Trust staff to support the delivery of excellent safeguarding practice. To be responsible for the performance of the safeguarding service and work with operational staff to meet the requirements of all regulators and all national and locally set standards.
This includes working collaboratively with Head of Vulnerable Patients and other Named and Designated Professionals in supporting all activities necessary to ensure that the Trust meets its statutory responsibilities. To be responsible for leading the development and implementation of a strategic approach to safeguarding including those who are vulnerable, those subject to consideration under the Mental Health Act, the Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards/Liberty Protection Safeguards. To be accountable and responsible for standards of safeguarding practice within the Trust; to evaluate safeguarding practice and develop actions with relevant Heads of Nursing/Matrons where required. To work collaboratively with the multidisciplinary team and partner agencies to ensure that children and adults who come into contact with the Trust are safeguarded and their welfare promoted.
To ensure that effective liaison, communication and representation is in place with partner agencies and other stakeholders at committees, groups and working parties. To foster a culture of prevention, early and accurate identification and management of safeguarding concerns for the organisation to ensure it appropriately discharges and fulfils its safeguarding responsibilities. To lead on the development of appropriate safeguarding training and education for all staff groups. Clinical responsibilities Line management and professional leadership of the safeguarding team adults/children, named midwife and learning disability Nurse/s ensuring the delivery of strategic corporate objectives and performance targets with regard to all aspects of safeguarding.
Line management of the named midwife will be jointly shared with the midwifery matron. Promote an understanding and a culture of responsibility by all Trust staff in relation to safeguarding children and adults. To be responsible for the development, implementation and review of Trust safeguarding policies and procedures to ensure compliance with national bodies and best practice. Deputise on behalf of Head of Nursing for Safeguarding and Vulnerable Patients as required at relevant Local Partnership Board Meetings and represent the Trust at relevant safeguarding multi-agency forums/sub-groups.
Deputise for the Head of Vulnerable Patients in her absence in relation to safeguarding responsibilities. To lead meetings and chair safeguarding professionals meetings and reviews relating to more complex cases or situations. To monitor the provision and quality of safeguarding systems, policies, procedures, professional guidance, supervision and training programmes so that children and adults at risk can be identified by Trust staff at an early stage and protected from harm where possible. To be an active member of all the Trusts safeguarding meetings.
To promote evidence based practice by disseminating appropriate guidance relevant to safeguarding children and adults. To support staff with court proceedings, statement and report writing ensuring they have appropriate legal advice. Be responsible for writing reports including quarterly and annual safeguarding reports to the Trust Board and report completion for Clinical Commissioning Groups and local Partnership Boards as required. To provide cover cross site when Named Nurse/Lead for Safeguarding is on leave.