Job description
We are looking to recruit Project Managers to join our staff bank. The bank provides temporary staffing to help services from time-to-time, typically for dedicated pieces of work, during periods of high demand where additional resource is required, or to help to cover short term absences. Unlike a substantive position, bank work is not guaranteed and is on an ad hoc basis to meet the service needs.
CNWL provides Community and Mental Health services for the population of Milton Keynes, for both adults and children. Bank Project Managers are required to support the Milton Keynes based Business and Transformation Team, who are responsible for leading the project management and transformation functions, amongst other duties. Whilst this recruitment process is focussed on our Milton Keynes services, there may also be opportunities to support our wider services across the trust.
The post will be focussed on specific projects across Community and Mental Health as outlined in the NHS Long Term Plan or other strategic objectives set by the Trust. Typical projects will require close working across both internal teams and as external partners.
Whilst working patterns will be dependent on specific project needs and in line with trust guidelines, these roles typically lend themselves well to a hybrid approach of both office and home based working, typically on a 60/40 split.
We are looking for a motivated and enthusiastic Project Managers to join our trust bank to support the Milton Keynes Business and Transformation Team. There has been significant investment across Community and Mental Health Services within Milton Keynes, and we are looking for Project Managers to support the team from time to time to deliver strategic projects and objectives in line with this.
This role is based within a small Business and Transformation team in a friendly office, based on the Milton Keynes hospital campus. You will be have the opportunity to work independently and autonomously on projects that support transformation activities for our operational teams, whilst also having the support from colleagues across the team to help and assist. You will have opportunities to work with both clinical and corporate teams, commissioner and voluntary and community sector providers.
CNWL supports flexible working, and whilst the exact nature of these arrangements will be flexible around the service needs, these roles do typically lend themselves well to a combination of home and office based working patterns.
If you are a talented individual with previous experience of managing and supporting projects and who is able to step in and lead projects on an ad hoc basis, then we would welcome your application.
For full details please see the Job Description.
As an NHS Trust we strongly encourage and support vaccination as this remains the best way to protect yourself, your family, your colleagues and of course patients and service users when working on our healthcare settings
The post holder will:
- Be responsible for the day to day management of the identified projects across the programme and will be a single point of contact, ensuring delivery against timelines; escalating issues and reporting highlights within the governance process as appropriate.
- To agree tasks and resources required to meet project objectives and manage the project within and according to the agreed budget and timescales
- To produce robust and realistic project plans for driving forward transformation initiatives, using appropriate methodology and leading to the implementation of actions and outcomes required to deliver the projects in line with locally agreed timescales
- Maintain a full and accurate audit trail of key decisions, actions and outputs, including but not limited to risk and issue logs, project/milestone plans, update/highlight reports, and action plans, and make adjustments if targets/deadlines are not met
- Produce documents, reports and presentations on a regular basis for meetings, Committees and Boards in accordance with the agreed governance arrangements.
- To use appropriate software to create and maintain appropriate project documentation including project initiation documents, business cases, project plans, project briefs, risk and issue logs and communication plans
- To ensure that the clinical perspective and clinical staff are central to the work of the projects, working with clinical teams, managers and existing Business & Transformation Managers and Service Improvement Managers to develop new ways of working
- To ensure the patient voice is at the heart of transformation planning and delivery from initial scoping discussions all the way through to agreeing evaluation and the desired outcomes of change
- Required to make audience-appropriate presentations, be open to challenge and opposition, raise awareness, provide training on own project etc.
- Provide support and relevant updates to project/programme boards as required
- Chair project and or workstream meetings as appropriate
- Attend programme meetings to provide updates and facilitate discussions to seek key decisions
- Manage internal and external barriers to change