Mental Health Housing Manager-2 Hires- Tottenham and Barnet

Mental Health Housing Manager-2 Hires- Tottenham and Barnet London, England

Maison Moti
Full Time London, England 28000 - 31000 GBP ANNUAL Today
Job description

We are hiring 2 service managers for 2 locations: Tottenham & Barnet

Closing date: 26th of May


1.1. To ensure the security, health and safety, general welfare and satisfaction of service user’s placed at the project.

1.2. To facilitate service user’s recovery from mental health and to enhance their quality of life and independence.

1.3. Generally, to manage all operational aspects of the project maintaining all requirements for compliance and ensuring uncompromisingly high standards.


2.1 Service user related (Inc. prospective service users)

2.1.1 To ensure AT ALL TIMES that ALL service users’ are treated in a way that respects their basic human rights and freedoms, is free from discrimination, empowering and appropriate to their individual needs and circumstances.

2.1.2 To ensure that service users’ are provided with relevant information about the service, their rights and entitlements. (This includes Company Brochure, Service Specification & Service User Guide and relevant policies on procedures such as SOVA, Data Protection, Whistle blowing, Complaints, Access to Records, Fair Access and Equality & Diversity)

2.1.3 To ensure that service users’ are involved in all decisions affecting them and that their wishes and views are given due consideration.

2.1.4 To promote on-going and meaningful service user consultation, feedback, participation and involvement by ensuring regular Service User Meetings, engagement in the Service User Forum, Service User Satisfaction Surveys, and via a range of other processes.

2.1.5 To ensure that service user medication is actively managed and in accordance with the company policies and procedures.

2.1.6 To be involved in and to supervise the company’s Service Delivery Model (comprising assessment, support planning, key working, reporting and review) and to ensure that this is managed within the given timescales and to the required standard.

2.1.7 To ensure that all assessments and support plans actively facilitate service users’ recovery from mental ill-health and promote independence and move-on planning.

2.1.8 To undertake quarterly Case Management Audits in respect of all service users, using the prescribed format ensuring a high standard of audit and information.

2.1.9 To ensure that all service users are actively engaged in activities that promotes the service objectives and encourages structure and routine to their day.

2.1.10 To facilitate a culture and ethos that supports and promotes the companies vision and values, i.e. service, transparency, independence, passion and equality.

2.1.11 To ensure that complaints from service users are given a high priority and dealt with in accordance with the company’s policy and procedure.

2.1.12 To ensure that all requirements for recording and record keeping are adhered to and kept up to date (both hard copy and electronic processes).

2.2 Staff Management

2.2.1 To promote good morale amongst staff and a culture of learning, development and continuous improvement where competent staff feel valued.

2.2.2 To establish and maintain a culture and systems for performance management.

2.2.3 To undertake and maintain all staff management responsibilities, including selection and recruitment, induction, probation, supervision, appraisal, absence and disciplinary processes.

2.2.4 To issue and monitor performance against individual staff performance related pay targets as set by the Company.

2.2.5 To be responsible for managing staff cover at place of work, including the compilation, implementation and monitoring of staff rosters, arranging cover for unplanned absences and utilising company bank staff (ensuring that the staffing agency budget is only used as a last resort).

2.2.6 For purposes of payroll to be responsible for submitting an accurate record of staff hours worked ensuring that they are first checked and agreed by the staff that the records relates to and as a follow-up to deal with any queries/ errors relating to wages/ salary.

2.2.7 To maintain up to date records relating to individual staff, the staffing establishment and vacancies at the project.

2.3 Budget Management

2.3.1 To be responsible for all areas of the project budget as may be delegated and to ensure that spend is within the set restrictions and budget limits.

2.3.2 To be responsible for the management of voids at the project and to actively work to ensure that bed vacancy levels are kept to a minimum, as per set targets.

2.3.3 To maintain information on service vacancies and referrals and to update the customer database.

2.3.4 To actively participate in the referral process and initial assessment of prospective service users for the project, and for the company if required.

2.3.5 To manage petty cash, activities monies and any other financial duties that may be required.

2.3.6 To ensure sufficient supplies (such as household goods, food items, stationary etc.) and services (such as repairs and maintenance cleaning, gardening etc.).

2.3.7 To ensure that project staff are aware of and work within spend restrictions and budget limits as set.

2.3.8 To deal with and chase through all fee income as may be required and in liaison with Maison Moti’s finance team.

2.3.9 To maintain the company’s procedure for notification of any changes concerning fee income.

2.4 Other Service User Charges

2.4.1 If applicable, to ensure that service user’s understand the responsibilities with regard to the contributions and charges that they are liable for and that income is collected in way that is transparent and records are available to evidence all financial transactions.

2.4.2 To maintain the company’s procedure for notification of any changes concerning SU charges/ fee income.

2.5 Other service user related processes & tasks

2.5.1 To manage enquiries and referrals for the project in accordance with the company’s procedure and by using the prescribed format.

2.5.2 Following referral, to carry out thorough individual initial assessments and targeted outline support plans of service user needs, risks, goals and aspirations using the standard template documents

2.5.3 To be involved in decision-making together with the senior management team to determine eligibility, suitability and service proposal.

2.5.4 To oversee and ensure that all new service users are provided with a through induction in accordance with the prescribed format.

2.5.5 To ensure that all service users are provided with a named Key Worker at all times and that that staff member carries out all process required of the key worker role.

2.5.6 To supervise, gate keep and approve all core assessments, core support plans and subsequent assessments and support plans for service users at the project, ensuring that these are done within the required timescales, are focused and of a good standard and quality.

2.5.7 To ensure that ‘Service User Progress Reports’ are completed to a good standard, are thorough and reflect progress and that these are sent to relevant professionals and others as agreed and within agreed timescales (usually 8-weekly).

2.5.8 To ensure informal and formal reviews of individual service user cases are carried out in accordance with the company’s procedure on reviews.

2.5.9 To actively involve service users in all processes and decisions concerning them (including assessments, support plans and reviews).

2.5.10 To network and liaise closely with other agencies and professionals to enable you to effectively signpost services and to provide effective advice and support to residents/clients.

2.5.11 To actively promote user independence, offering advice and practical support with matters relating to developing independent living skills.

2.5.12 To ensure that all service users have a plan for move-on (unless move-on is not an option in which case this should be agreed and reflected as such in their support plan) and that this is being implemented.

2.6 Working with the Multi-Disciplinary Team & other External Agencies

2.6.1 To build positive working relationships with the service users Care Coordinators and multi-disciplinary teams and to ensure regular communication on concerns and progress.

2.6.2 To ensure that Core Assessments and Core Support Plana are completed (within 4-weeks of the service commencing) and once approved to send the Core Support Plan to the care Coordinator for approval and to chase it through till approved.

2.6.3 Upon the Core Support Plan being approved by the Care Coordinator to ensure that the Care Coordinator and other members of the service users multi-disciplinary team are sent formal ‘Service User Reports on Progress’ on at least an 8-weekly basis unless the plan is to send these reports on a more frequent basis.

2.6.4 Where necessary to attend and contribute to professional appointments with the service user and other formal meetings such as CPA’s, placement reviews, discharge planning meetings and so forth.

2.6.5 To liaise with and make necessary arrangements with external agencies such as education, employment and training providers, leisure, recreational, health and other services etc. to support the service user to access and engage with services as agreed as part of their Support Plan objectives

2.6.6 To represent the company positively at all public/ external activities and events and in accordance with Maison Moti’s mission statement and core values.

2.7 Administrative, Financial & Reporting Requirements

2.7.1 To maintain in good order and keep up-to-date at all times the service user files and the Service Delivery Model document as well as the various other record keeping requirements. (Where possible to ensure that all records are completed and maintained electronically and if necessary to photocopy documents and file in the service user’s files).

2.7.2 To maintain in good order and keep up-to-date at all times staff personnel files.

2.7.3 To ensure that all complaints, concerns and incidents (including any suspicions) are notified to your line manager/ on-call out of hour’s senior manager immediately (using the available template documents where relevant and in accordance with the company’s policies and procedures in these areas).

2.7.4 To ensure that the MAR Sheets, Communication Book, Appointment Diary and Weekly Planner are checked on a daily basis and kept up to date with new information/ appointments.

2.7.5 To ensure that records of petty cash, activities monies and service user money’s and belongings are kept up to date, that signing in and out processes are followed and receipts for all purchases are maintained.

2.7.6 To provide service users with a signed receipt at any point that any cash/ cheques or other valuables are taken/ collected from them.

2.7.7 To check and respond to emails on a daily basis (This is vital as email represents one of the main modes of communication for the company).

2.7.8 To ensure that you are able to access the server (This is key because the majority of the required documents, forms and policies and procedures are stored electronically).

2.7.9 To undertake regular checks on the state of repair of the property and all fixtures and fittings and where works are required to record this on the works log.

2.7.10 To answer the telephone and deal with inquiries and referrals in a professional manner and to take and forward messages as required.

2.7.11 To maintain a personal record of all hours worked in the event of any dispute about pay.

2.8 Policies, Procedures & Relevant Industry Regulations & Guidance

2.8.1 To be familiar with and proactively adhere to all relevant industry regulations and guidance such as the National Minimum Standards.

2.8.2 Where appropriate to ensure that the home complies with CQC, and all other relevant legislative requirements; these will guide the operations of the project and are designed to ensure the protection of service users and safeguard and promote their health, welfare and quality of life.

2.8.3 To be responsible for ensuring that the overall quality of service is compliant with the highest level of audit/ inspection rating (internal or otherwise) that is possible and that the project is prepared at all times for inspections and audits (including those that may be unannounced).

2.8.4 To ensure that familiarity with and proactive adherence to all company policies and procedures but especially those concerning SOVA, Whistle Blowing, Complaints, Grievance, Disciplinary, Absence from Work, Lone Working, Equality and Diversity and Health & Safety.

2.8.5 To keep all relevant policies and procedures under review and amend and take a lead in implementing new and/ or revised procedures as may be required.

2.8.6 To ensure that all staffs at the project are aware of, understand and proactively adhere to all company policies and procedures.

2.8.7 To ensure that all company policies and procedures applied at the project are up-to-date and reflect the current practice.

2.8.8 To observe the company’s Code of Conduct at all times and advise any suspected breaches to the Service Manager and / or the Managing Director. Also promote the company’s good name and effective working relationships with outside organisations.

2.9 Health, Safety & Security

2.9.1 To be responsible for ensuring the proper management of all Fire Safety, Environmental and Health & Safety tasks as required.

2.9.2 To observe Health & Safety procedures in the workplace to ensure personal safety and to safeguard the interests and safety of colleagues, customers and visitors.

2.9.3 To be responsible for ensuring that the building, premises and all fixtures and fittings are in good working order/ state of repair at all times.

2.9.4 To report any concerns regarding Security, Health & Safety to relevant people and to ensure that all hazards are dealt with immediately.

2.9.5 To liaise with contractors where necessary to resolve any security, health & safety issues.

2.9.6 To ensure that staffs are aware of, understand and follow the procedures in relation to security, health & safety.

2.9.7 To ensure that the control, administration, recording, safekeeping, handling and disposal of medicines including non-compliance is in line with both company policies and Care Standards requirements.

2.9.8 To ensure that regular checks are carried out as required in respect to:

· Fire Safety (Inc. fire drills, testing of smoke alarms, check fire extinguishers – fire safety checklist)

· Health & safety (Inc. maintenance, COSSH – see H&S checklist)

· Security (Inc. checks on security of premises, vetting of visitors, monitoring movement of service users)

· Food Hygiene (Inc. monitoring of fridge/freezer and cooking temperatures, product sell-by dates)

· Service User room/ premises inspections.

2.10 Working Hours & Conditions

2.10.1 To undertake evening shifts, work weekends and occasional bank holidays as may be required from time to time.

2.10.2 To participate in planning and delivering activities and excursions with service users as may be required, including trips abroad.

2.10.3 To maintain punctuality and good time keeping at all times.

2.10.4 To ensure a good level of personal hygiene and appropriate dress at all times.

2.10.5 It is not permissible for an employee to work under the influence of alcohol or illicit drugs. (The consumption of alcohol or illegal drugs is not permitted whilst on duty)

2.10.6 The personal use phones (Inc. mobiles), IT or any other form of technology is not permitted whilst on duty.

2.11 Learning, Training & Development (LTD)

2.11.1 To maintain your own training and development needs and ensure you maintain your professional registration and training requirements.

2.11.2 To attend, show willing and participate in staff monitoring and learning and development activities such as induction, probation, supervision and appraisal meetings, internal and external seminars, workshops and training events.

2.11.3 To ensure that there is staffing cover at all times and in line with the current CQC requirements. To ensure that you do not go off duty until there is staff cover available on the premises.

2.11.4 To take up the provision of all support, learning, training and development provided by the company (this may involve attending external training courses from time to time).

2.11.5 To take a lead on Learning, Training & Development at your project.

2.11.6 To ensure that all staff training needs are identified and met through the company Learning, Training & Development system.

2.11.7 To arrange LTD activities for yourself and staff at your project as required within allocated budget.

2.12 General

2.12.1 To proactively work as a member of the management team by liaising & supporting other colleagues whenever required, and attending monthly meetings.

2.12.2 To be part of the general management on callarrangements.

2.12.3 Work flexibly to respond to changing priorities and make sure that service user needs and business objectives are met and to use all resources effectively and efficiently.

2.12.4 To maintain a strict level of confidentiality ensuring that no sensitive information is divulged at any time, including in respect of service users, customers, company personnel, shareholders, finances or any aspect of business strategy.

2.12.5 To adhere to and actively promote the company’s policy on equality and diversity.

2.12.6 To undertake Quality Assurance tasks as may be required.

2.12.7 To maintain professional conduct at all times (see staff manual/ handbook).

2.12.8 To attend other meetings or events whether internal or external as may be required from time to time.

2.12.9 To maintain inventories of both service user belongings and also of company property.

2.12.10 To undertake any other duties that are commensurate to the position as may be requested from time to time, including lead areas of responsibility as determined by the line manager.

Job Type: Full-time

Salary: £28,000.00-£31,000.00 per year


  • Company events
  • Store discount
  • UK visa sponsorship
  • Wellness programme


  • 10 hour shift
  • 12 hour shift
  • Day shift

Work Location: In person

Mental Health Housing Manager-2 Hires- Tottenham and Barnet
Maison Moti
Enfield, United Kingdom
Unknown / Non-Applicable
Company - Private
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