Library Assistant Swansea, Wales
Job description
CommunicationManaging the enquiry/issue desk and responding to requests for information from staff and students on placement, whether in person, by telephone, Teams or email. Processing of incoming and outgoing mail. Providing induction on how to use the library service to new users including students on placement. Responsible for monitoring and actioning emails in the generic library email accounts.
Working closely with library assistants at other hospital sites on the creation of seamless library processes and procedures. Participating in library assistant meetings. Scheduling, chairing and taking minutes at meetings. Management Responsible for the smooth operation of all loans, renewals and reservations using the Library Management System.
Registering new users, updating existing user records and ensuring compliance with data protection legislation. Monitoring and responding to library overdue notices. Prepare invoices as and when required. Responsible for delivering an efficient document delivery service, providing photocopies, books and scans as requested.
Liaising with regional and national document supply services and ensuring compliance with relevant copyright requirements. Assisting and supporting library users with Knowledgeshare current awareness service. Responsible for stock processing new items and displaying within the library. Carrying out repairs to damaged items.
Shelving and tidying books in accordance with the Wessex Classification Scheme. Responsible for the general upkeep of the library. Creating new library displays and maintaining up to date noticeboards, posters and signage. Participating in library open days and promotional events both within the organisation and at local and regional training events.
Finance and Resource Management Responsible for ordering stationery and library equipment on Oracle. Receipting items on arrival. Monitoring office supplies and re-ordering when necessary. Assisting with the management of the Salto access system including the handling of card deposits and receipts.
Management of petty cash, issuing receipts in accordance with Health Board financial policies and procedures. Information Resources Daily use of a variety of IT packages including Microsoft Office applications, the Library Management system and Internet and Intranet. Assisting with library social media accounts. Responsible for ensuring library PCs, laptops, equipment and printers are in good working order.
Problem solving and when necessary reporting issues to the IT Helpdesk. Ensure regular cleaning of IT and library equipment in line with infection control procedures. Undertaking bibliographic searches for users using electronic resources and internet sources. Providing library users with a photocopying and scanning service.
Assisting library users with IT, particularly ESR and other online learning packages. Education & Training Participating in the Personal Appraisal Development Review (PADR). Complying with all mandatory training requirements including ESR. Demonstrating a commitment to life-long learning by participating in local and regional training events and undertaking training relevant to current role.
Service Delivery Contributing to the implementation of the library strategy and action plan by working towards agreed objectives. Assisting in the collation of library usage statistics and participating in local and regional audits of use and surveys. Participating in opening and closing routines for the library. Maintaining a good working knowledge of copyright and data protection legislation.
Participating in cover for the other Health Board libraries when necessary. Carrying out any other duties appropriate to the grade.