laborer Birmingham, England
Job description
SALARY - £12,000 to £13,000
HOURS - 22.5
The X-Cite: Employability Gateway for Youth through Integrated Support Pathways in the GBSLEP is part-funded by the European Social Fund and supported under the Youth Employment Initiative. Under the direction of the Xcite Hub Lead, the postholder will support the successful delivery of the Xcite: Supporting Labour Market Progression of Disadvantaged Individuals through Better Jobs and Skills Project, by overseeing the administration of the Xcite Project, supporting the Project Delivery Team to meet full ESF compliance, including procurement and publicity rules and financial claims.
The post holder will achieve this by:
1. Working closely with the Xcite Delivery Team to ensure all project paperwork/returns are completed accurately and within required timescales.
2. Ensuring the relevant data is received and processed for financial claims.
3. Developing and maintaining positive relationships with delivery partners and all other stakeholder/groups of interest that are supporting the Xcite Projects successful delivery.
Supporting the Delivery of Employment Support
4. Circulate the Xcite service information to attract/ engage eligible I.P 1.3 eligible participants onto the project
5. Inform eligible clients of all opportunities available through Xcite including: inductions, training, job search, volunteering, including and sessional and regular work
6. Be an ongoing point of contact for I.P 1.3 eligible participants looking for work and deal with enquiries from other agencies
7. Undertake a Xcite eligibility check with all eligible project participants to assess labour market advancement readiness and develop an action plan to identify and guide all basic skills training and job search activity that leads to better paid/more sustainable employment.
8. Monitor clients progress against agreed Individual Action Plans
9. Ensure clients are always focused on what kind of work they could do well in and develop their CVs accordingly, looking forward not backwards
10. Deliver job-related employability support, support and informal mentoring/coaching for disadvantaged I.P 1.3 eligible clients who need assistance to improve their labour market mobility and wish to progress in the labour market
11. Signpost I.P 1.3 eligible participants to specialist services to overcome barriers to skills development/ employability highlighted, (e.g., drugs/ alcohol, housing, health, Benefits and financial exclusion)
12. Build strong relationships with other agencies so I.P 1.3 eligible project participants can access advice (in particular welfare rights)
13. Establish better networks and resources to support I.P 1.3 eligible project participants Ensure facilities, including IT, are operational and accessib
14. Maintain records to enable completion of returns required by the Project Management and Administration Team, for quality assurance and monitoring
15. Routinely utilise and maintain contact databases of I.P 1.3 eligible service users and agencies
16. Pass on any contacts, e.g., employers and funders, that could be useful for other Xcite workstreams to Service Managers, and the Project Delivery Director
17. Ensure all information on project I.P 1.3 eligible participants interested in progressing in the labour market is available on the Xcite Client Tracking System, including CVs, enrolment forms and ID information so that the project participants can be promoted to employers.
18. Provide support to fellow workers on filing paperwork for payroll and payment purposes
19. Undertake ongoing I.P 1.3 eligible participant consolidation, assessment, progress reviews and guidance linked to each Investment Priority 1.3 eligible participants Individual Needs Assessment and Development Plan.
20. Analyse results and progress through regular reviews and adjust Individual Development Plans accordingly to reflect progress.
21. Maintain contact with I.P 1.3 eligible participants, including through email/social media, and provide feedback and support as necessary.
22. Provide support and guidance, including at unsocial hours: evenings and weekends through agreed pre-arranged time-windows with I.P 1.3 eligible participants.
23. Provide project specific administration support, telephone cover, mail/email correspondence, filing, diary management, sorting and distributing mail. (This post is self-administrating)
24. Deal with all paperwork associated with this post
25. Maintain good communications and relations with colleagues, attending team meetings and training where necessary
26. Comply with the Project’s agreed policies and procedures including but not limited to Health and Safety, and Gender and Equal Opportunities and Sustainability Policies, the Data Protection Act, Freedom of Information Act, and Project specific Financial Management Regulations.
27. Undertake any other tasks, duties and responsibilities as directed and appropriate to the grade and role of the post subject to any reasonable adjustments under the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 as incorporated into the Equality Act 2010.
28. Participate in the wider development of the service and contribute to service improvement as required.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Job Type: Part-time
Salary: £23,000.00 per year
- Day shift
Work Location: In person
Expected start date: 01/08/2023