Junior Clinical Fellow -Spinal Injuries and Rehabilitation Medicine Salisbury, England
Job description
We are seeking applications for Doctors (FY2 or above) to join us at the Duke of Cornwall Spinal Treatment Centre (DoCSTC) at Salisbury District Hospital. The centre offers specialist rehabilitation for patients with spinal cord injury. Candidates will be expected to participate in clinical and other service activities with the objective of ensuring a high standard of patient care. They will also be expected to take an active part in teaching, training and contributing to the service development within the inpatient and outpatient setting.
The DoCSTC provides comprehensive Spinal Cord Injuries services for patients, with facilities for acute, rehabilitation and continuing life-long care. Caring for patients living within the South and South-West of England, we are one of eight Spinal Injury Centres in England. The centre has one ward and an outpatient centre. There is a physiotherapy and occupational therapy unit and we conduct twice weekly MDT ward rounds
Because our rehabilitation patients are managed in lifelong care, the DoCSTC strives to maintain a sense of community. As well as the continuing care in clinical and therapy facilities, DoCSTC is home to Horatio’s Garden which provides patients with somewhere to find much-needed solace. Patients can take part in gentle rehabilitation activities in the garden organised by the charity including garden therapy and art therapy. As such, the centre is a place of familiar faces for our patients and a place to expand their lives to suit their disability.
The admission and treatment of adults with acute non progressive spinal cord injuries causing tetraplegia and paraplegia and cauda equine syndrome. Intensive rehabilitation programmes to facilitate the patient’s return to his/her own community as soon as recovery is consistent with an optimal level of activity.
The Duke of Cornwall Spinal Treatment Centre (DOCSTC) is a purpose built centre opened in 1984. The Centre has one ward with 39 NHSE commissioned beds, provides acute care, readmission and rehabilitation for patients with SCI. There is also a dedicated outpatient facility within the centre.
The DOCSTC aims to provide total care of the spinal cord injured patient, from the acute management through rehabilitation to lifelong follow up. In addition, patients with non-progressive spinal cord paralysis are treated as appropriate. Around 120 acute new patients are admitted each year and remain patients for life.
There are ample opportunities for education and learning with regular educational sessions organized, as well as opportunities for research and audit within the department itself. Our close links with the Urologists, Orthopaedic Spinal Surgeons, Plastic surgeons; medical engineering and the Radiology Department ensure a continuous learning experience for any interested clinicians. The team at the centre is keen to assist and support any interested candidate in developing their career and broaden their clinical experience.
Please see attached Job description and person specification for full details of roles and responsibilities.