
HTRC Operations Director - College of Engineering and Physical Sciences - 95692 - Grade 9 Birmingham, England
Job description
Position Details
College of Engineering and Physical Sciences
Location: University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham UK
Full time starting salary is normally in the range £54,421 to £63,059 with potential progression once in post to £82,225
Grade 9
Full Time, Permanent
Closing date: 8th May 2023
The University of Birmingham is a global institution working within a diverse and vibrant City, offering an inspiring education to our students, and undertaking critically important research. We are a place of open, critical thinking, and the creation, sharing and dissemination of knowledge. Professional Services play a crucial role in this by providing outstanding support to our researchers, enable an exceptional educational experience for our students, and help the University to grow its influence regionally, nationally, and globally. They ensure the University’s resources are used wisely, manage and improve the infrastructure which sits at the heart of the institution, and support decisions to be made quickly and based on sound evidence. Our Birmingham Professional programme operates across the University, supporting colleagues to network and collaborate, offering opportunities to learn and develop, contributing to the delivery of the University’s objectives, and helping everyone to understand the broader context within which we work.
Department overview
The High Temperature Research Centre is a flagship partnership between the University and Rolls-Royce plc. The Centre was established through a £20M UK Research Partnership Infrastructure Fund grant from the Higher Education Funding Council for England matched by £40M investment by Rolls-Royce the Centre. It researches and develops nickel superalloy single crystal casting and related enabling technologies with the objectives of training future generations of technical specialists and leaders, developing and manufacturing test components for fast make and demonstrator aero engine projects, researching and developing new manufacturing capabilities and improving the performance of Rolls-Royce’s UK casting facilities. These objectives are underpinned and secured through world-class research conducted by University staff working shoulder to shoulder with designers, engineers and technicians.
The Centre staff of around 100 are employees of the University, Rolls-Royce and the Manufacturing Technology Centre. The Leadership Team is made up of the Centre Director, Rolls-Royce Capability Manager and the Operations Director with a structure underneath them of Functional Managers including two Process Hall, Technical, Quality / Health and Safety, Laboratory and IT. Other reporting functions include Facility Maintenance, Machine Tool Maintenance and Security. The Management Team is comprised of employees of the University, Rolls-Royce and the Manufacturing Technology Centre.
The Centre is governed by a Joint Steering Board, Chaired by the Head of College, to which the Leadership Team, led by the Centre Director reports, and consults on strategic matters. The Centre operating budget of approximately £5M p.a. is developed by the Leadership Team to deliver agreed high level project objectives and managed by the Operations Director.
Research project tasks are undertaken by Process Hall Technicians (PHTs) to instructions set out by Researchers and Engineers. The multi-skilled pool of PHTs are trained to skill levels equivalent to those of specialist operators within Rolls-Royce’s investment casting foundries and managed by Process Hall Managers who report to the Operations Director. Compliance and traceability of components is essential; test and demonstrator components will be used in turbines for land based and on-wing testing and development. This is assured through a comprehensive Management System certified to ISO9001.
A culture of collaboration, sharing and support is key to the successful integration of stakeholders with wide-ranging interests and personal objectives. The Leadership and 1 st Line Management Team champion and promote a distinctive culture in the Centre, seeking to develop management through intent and empowerment.
Role Summary
The Operations Director will have responsibility for all aspects of the Centre’s operations, operating costs, estates and infrastructure including the planning of production/manufacturing processes, health and safety and for a large team of technical operatives. Responsibilities include the entirety of the supply chain (incoming goods/raw materials, warehousing, logistics, production, outsourced activities and dispatch). The Director of Operations reports to and acts in support of the Centre Director. A key task is the fostering of a collaborative working environment and culture that will underpin the success of the operation and an awareness of how to manage this unconventional work environment is of critical importance.
As a high profile role, the post holder will define and implement strategy and all operating procedures, processes and performance metrics associated with planning, sourcing, manufacture and quality processes. Central to the role is the provision of services to support industrial development with the partners, academic research and education undertaken at HTRC working with other Schools in the University.
There will be a particular focus on working with HTRC’s key partners, the University of Birmingham and Rolls Royce, together with other partners as they join the Centre, and ensuring the interface between R&D and the production of innovative new techniques and products works optimally.
The post is based at Ansty, but the holder is expected to be able to travel nationally as required and work on occasions at the University site in Edgbaston.
Main duties
O p e r at i o n s a nd L o g i s t i c s
- De l i v e r y – d e l i v e r i ng pro du c t s / s er vi c es c o m m i tt e d t o t he u s ers at the r i g h t t i m e, c o s t, q u a l i t y & r e s p o n si v e n e s s to s u p p o r t t h ei r p l a n s .
- P r o d u c t i on P l a n n i ng I nt e r n al – s ett i ng out p l a ns to b a l a n c e l o a d a n d ca p a c i t y i n t he s h o r t, m e di um a n d l o n g t erm to m a x i m i z e e ff i c i e n c y of m at e r i a l s , p eo p l e a n d c e l l u t i li z a t i o n .
- P r o d u c t i on P l a n n i ng E x ter n al – d e v e l o p i n g a nd m a i nt ain i n g e ff e c t iv e wor k i ng re l at i o n s h i ps w i t h a n e t w ork of o u t -s o u rc ed s e r vi c e pro v i d ers as required ( s u c h a s h e a t treat m e n t, co a t i n g s , ND T ) .
- Q u a l i t y A ss uran c e – o v er a l l re s p o n si b i li t y f or the d e v e l o p m e n t a nd m a i nt e n a n c e o f q u a l i t y a ss uran c e pro c e ss es i n t he C e n tr e .
- Re s p o n si b l e f or l e a d i ng on i nt e r n al a n d e x ter n al a u d i t s of the Centre Process Hall activities .
- Hea l th, S a f e t y a n d E n v i r o n m e n tal I ss u e s – o v er a l l r e s p o n si b i li t y f or h e a l t h a n d s af e t y i n t h e Ce n tre Process Halls a n d f or en s u r i ng a p r o a c t iv e a n d e n g a g ed h e a l th a n d s a f e t y c u l t ure a m o n g s t s ta f f a nd v i s i tor s .
- R i s k M a n a g e m e n t – d e v e l o p i n g a n d m a i nt a i n i ng an e f fect i v e s y s tem of r is k m a n a g e m e n t f or the Cen t r e delivery processes, i n c l u d i ng a r i s k re g is ter and a c t i o ns to r e d u c e a n d m i t i g ate r i s k i n a cc ord a n c e w i t h U ni v er s i t y pro c e d ure s .
- A ss et P er f o r m a n c e – op t i m i s i ng the p e r f or m a n c e o f m a n u f a c tur i n g a ss ets, i n c l u d i ng t h e e ff e c t iv e M a n a g e m e n t o f M a c h i ne T o o l M a i n t e n a n c e, thr o u g h m o ni tor i n g , c a l i bra t i on a n d pre v e nt a t i v e m a i nt e n a n c e.
- O p e r at i o n a l ex c e ll e n c e – r e s p o n s i b l e f or ta k i ng a c t i o ns to e n s ure c o n t i n u o us i m p r o v e m e n t o f pro c e ss e s , i n cl u d i ng cr e ati ng a n e nv i r o n m e n t c o n d u ci v e t o c o n t i n u o us i m pro v e m e n t.
- S u p p l y C h a i n – r e s p o n si b l e f or m a n a gi n g t h e su p p l y c h a i n .
S trat e g y
- P r o v i d i ng s trat e g i c a n d o p er at i o n al a d vi c e , s u p p ort an d g u i d a n c e t o t h e D i r e c t or of t h e C e ntre o n a w i de ra n g e o f i ss u e s .
- W o r k i ng w i th t he C e n tre D i r e c tor to d e v e l op n e w b u s i n e s s o p p o r t u n i t i es r e l e v a nt t o H T RC ( w h i c h w i l l i n c l u de d e p ut i s i ng on s p e ci f i c i ss u e s , a s a n d where a p propr i a te, f or the D i r e c t or ) .
- Responsibility for the d e v e l o p m e n t o f s trat e g i c p l a ns f or the operational delivery of the overall centre strategy a nd r e s p o n si b i li t y f or i m p l e m e n t i ng the o p e r a t i o n a l asp e c t s .
- P r o m ot i ng a nd a d v a n ci ng p artner s h i ps a n d c o l l a b orat iv e w or k i ng at a s trat e g i c l e v el w i t h i n t he C e n tr e , the C o l l e g e a n d U n i v er s i t y .
- E s ta b li s h i ng a n d m a i nt a i n i n g a c o ll a b o r a t i v e a nd i n n o v at i v e e n vi r o n m e n t w i t h i n th e Ce n tre.
P e o p l e M a n a g e m e n t
- Creation of a proactive and sustainable operational culture in the Centre that works within the University and commercial context.
- S trat e g i c a nd o p er a t i o n a l m a n a g e m e n t o f a l l pro f e ss i o n a l s e r vi c es s ta f f w i t h i n t he Cen t r e , w i t h a p a r t i c u l ar f o c us on e m p l o y e e e n g a g e m e n t.
- De v e l o p i ng a nd d e l i v er i ng s y s t e m s / s tru c tures to e n a b l e e ff e c t iv e da y - t o - d a y a d m i n i s trat i on a n d tech ni c a l s e r vi c e pro v i s i o n w i t h i n t he C e n tr e .
- L e a d er s h i p a n d m a n a g e m e n t o f Ce n tre pro f e ss i o n a l s e r vi c es s ta f f , i n c l u d i n g re s p o n s i b i l i t y f or d e v e l o p m e n t a nd tra i n i ng o f s ta f f, performance, discipline and planning for staff , e n s uri n g t h at a l l are wor k i ng c o l l e c t i v e l y i n d e l i v eri n g e ff i c i e n t, e ff e c t iv e a n d co h e s i v e su p p o r t to the Cen t r e a n d t h e Un i v er s i t y .
- Setting standards and direction over the short and long term of pro f e ss i o n al s er vi c es and Process Hall s ta f f as a p prop r i a te .
F i n a n c i a l M a n a g e m e n t
- Responsibility for the management and oversight of the HTRC operating costs. Authorises, tracks and forecasts spend on a budget of £9m, with accountability for £5m and responsibility for a further £4m
- Con t ri b u t i ng to t he d e v e l o p m e n t o f b u s i n e s s p l a ns f or the C e ntr e .
- Re s p o n si b l e f or the c o n s tr u c t i on of operating b u d g ets f or the Ce ntre.
- Ensuring the Centre adopts appropriate processes and procedures for Process Hall financial transactions.
- E ff e c t iv e m a n a g e m e n t o f t h e C e n tre ’ s b u d g ets a n d re s o u rc es as d e l e g at e d b y t h e Ce n tre D i r e c tor.
In f r a s tru c ture
- E n s ur i ng t h a t t he C e n tr e ’ s i n f r a s tru c ture i s e f f e c t iv e l y m a n a g ed a n d m a i nt a i n e d w i th r e f eren c e to b u i l d i ng m a i n t e n a n c e, wa s te m a n a g e m e n t, c l e a n i n g, s e c uri t y , w or k i ng w i th the U n i v er s i t y ’ s re s p e c t i v e Corp o r a t e S er v i c es d e p a r t m e n ts as a p propr i a t e .
- L i a i s i n g w i th t he C o l l e g e I T l e a d a n d w or k i ng w i th IT S er vi c es t o e n s ure t h at t h e I T f a c i li t i es a n d s u p p o r t m e e t t h e n e e d s of t he C e ntr e .
- E n s ur i ng t he p l a n n i ng a n d a v a i l a b i l i t y of s p a c e t o e n a b l e f or r e s e a rc h, e d u c a t i o n a n d t r a n s l a t i o n a l d e v e l o p m e n t a c t i vi t i e s .
In t e ll e c t u a l P r o p e r t y a n d S e c uri t y
- Taking overall responsibility to ensure the Process Hall complies with all aspects of IP policy for the Centre.
- E n s ur i ng IT s y s t e m s a n d re l at e d p r o c e ss es m e e t t h e r e q u i r e m e n ts of t h e U n iv er s i t y a nd p a r tn e r s ta k e h o l d e rs .
- Develops and implements a culture (including policies and procedures) that promotes Equality and values diversity and inclusion.
- Supports the University’s sustainability agenda through resource efficient working.
- Any other duties commensurate with the grade.
Person Specification
- Educated to Degree level (or equivalent level qualifications) in a STEM discipline, or extensive experience of working in a complex engineering, manufacturing or research organisation plus substantial relevant managerial experience, preferably in an aerospace manufacturing or equivalent environment.
- Ability to exercise a substantial degree of independent professional responsibility and discretion.
- Ability to lead and manage diverse groups of staff directly and through intermediate managers.
- Experience in strategic planning of facility capacity and short term task scheduling in a highly complex production scale facility.
- Experience in setting and delivery of operating budgets and management of major external contracted services.
- Experience in development, implementation, management of and oversight of physical and information security protocols and systems.
- Experience in development and upkeep of quality management systems.
- Experience in development, implementation and maintenance of health and safety processes.
- Excellent literacy and numeracy, with the ability to write for different audiences and for different purposes, and to produce and analyse complex source material, information and data and review and approve materials with significant technical content.
- Actively promotes equality and diversity to internal and external stakeholders.
- Able to use data to identify equality and diversity issues.
- Experience of developing interventions to address equality and diversity issues.
Role context
Roles at this level will be senior professionals with high-level expertise, exercising within their particular functional area/section a substantial degree of independent professional responsibility and discretion, including the development and implementation of policies and processes. You will either lead a functional area or be a senior individual expert professional. You may have a deputising role for the most senior manager of the area. You are expected to resolve problems where there is a lack of precedent, requiring innovation and creativity to develop appropriate options. You will be responsible for setting quality and professional standards and managing service delivery against this or for providing professional expertise. Your work is likely to have a medium to long term horizon and you will typically work with a variety of people from several teams. You will also be able to make a major contribution to the longer-term strategic planning for your area, in line with the wider University strategy.
Core competencies/transferable skills
Working at this level you will be able to develop and successfully demonstrate the core competencies/transferable skills outlined in each of the areas shown below. You will be expected to take ownership for getting things done, including calling on others to join you in collaborative working groups as necessary. You will need to be flexible in supporting your department and wider University.
Planning and organising
- lead and manage a functional area, taking responsibility for staff and resources, tackling planning and operations over the medium to long term;
- shape strategic direction for own area, and make significant contributions to departmental strategic planning;
- set quality and professional standards for others;
- take accountability for the quality and delivery of a service or for the provision of expert professional advice;
- take the initiative and manage large-scale changes;
- make decisions and judgements on conflicting data/information;
- as appropriate, research and develop drafts of papers, taking account of the final audience, socialising ideas and seeking input and producing final drafts;
- lead and manage projects which are complex and significant in terms of time and financial resources.
Problem solving and decision making
- evaluate service provision and implement innovative solutions to improve quality, efficiency and continuity;
- ensure effective resolution of all issues in own area, often requiring complex problem solving through others;
- identify trends which could have an impact on the area, and identify and implement approaches to these trends;
- deal effectively and sensitively with significant and substantial people management issues, such as major change programmes and lead staff through change whilst maintaining motivation.
Organisational understanding
- quickly develop an in-depth understanding of their own area and an excellent understanding of the contribution other areas make to success of the University;
- quickly develop an excellent understanding of how the University and academia operate in the UK (and beyond as appropriate);
- demonstrate empathy with the academic endeavour and encourages others to do so.
Relationships and communication
- interact effectively at senior levels within the University;
- network with fellow professionals in the wider community to stay up to date;
- promote own/department’s work at internal and external opportunities;
- inspire and motivate others (often large teams) through multiple intermediary managers;
- provide expert input for internal/external meetings, influencing and facilitating different opinions to reach consensus;
- consult with service users/others to establish service requirements, standards and priorities for change.
BPSS Required
Due to the nature of the work undertaken in this role, all successful applicants will be subject to a BPSS check prior to appointment.
For further information please contact Dr Emma Melia, [email protected]
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