Dorset Police and Crime Panel

Dorset Police and Crime Panel Dorset

Dorset Councils
Full Time Dorset 10.56 - 12.04 GBP Today
Job description

Dorset Council
Dorset, United Kingdom
Occupational group
Legal & Democratic
Job term
Appointment type
Marc Eyre
Contact email
Contact telephone
Closing Date
09 July 2023 11:00 PM


The Dorset Police and Crime Panel is seeking a committed and enthusiastic person that lives in Dorset to serve as a co-opted member on the panel from September 2023 for an initial term of four years.

This role is an exciting opportunity to be involved in the arrangements for police governance and accountability, which would involve supporting and scrutinising the Dorset Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC).

Public accountability for the delivery and performance of the police service within each force is the direct responsibility of the PCC on behalf of their electorate. The PCC draws on this electoral mandate to set and shape the strategic objectives of their force area in consultation with the Chief Constable.

Each force area has a Police and Crime Panel to offer both support and challenge in relation to the PCC’s decision-making and actions. For example, the PCC is required to consult with the Panel on:

  • the strategic plan for local policing;
  • the level of council tax needed to support the local policing budget; and
  • the appointment of a Chief Constable.

Co-opted members, through their knowledge and experience, are expected to enhance the Panel’s ability to play its role effectively. At all times, panel members should bear in mind that adopting an independent mindset is fundamental to carrying out their scrutiny role effectively.

The panel is made up of 10 local councillors in total, split evenly from the two Dorset Unitary Councils (Dorset Council and Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council) plus two co-opted members. You can view papers and stream previous meetings from this link.

The role of a panel member is an important and demanding one. The typical commitment required from a member of the panel is expected to average approximately two days a month, including preparation time.

Applicants must live within the County of Dorset. Experience in community safety, victim support, criminal justice and related issues would be helpful, but is not essential. Although these positions are intended to be volunteer roles, an annual allowance of £2,000 is payable to co-opted members, plus travelling expenses when attending committee meetings or carrying out other activities on behalf of the committee on the same basis as councillors. For more information, please see our allowance scheme.

Co-Opted Members will be subject to the same Constitution and Code of Conduct as Local Authority Councillors and will be required to sign the Declaration of Acceptance of Office as required by law. It is essential in the interests of openness and accountability that co-opted members are perceived not to be influenced or motivated by private interests in the discharge of their duties, therefore they must declare any personal or business interests which might be construed by any reasonable person to influence their judgment on matters relevant to the Committee.

Panel Meetings are generally held in the daytime with meetings ordinarily being held at County Hall in Dorchester. There are four formal panel meetings per year, together with two/three informal meetings and other associated work. All panel members receive induction and other appropriate training. Applicants are strongly advised to read the Job Specification

The panel wishes to reflect the breadth of communities in the Dorset area and welcomes applications from all eligible people irrespective of sex, gender, ethnic origin, religious belief, sexual orientation, disability or any other factor.

The closing date for applications is Sunday 9 July 2023. Interviews will be held on Monday 24 July 2023 at County Hall, Dorchester, DT1 1XJ.

Dorset Police and Crime Panel
Dorset Councils
Dorchester, United Kingdom
Matt Prosser
Unknown / Non-Applicable
1001 to 5000 Employees
National Services & Agencies
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