Job description
We have established a dedicated academic team comprising staff experienced in delivering our occupational therapy courses, and you will supported by the placement team. We have committed to being able to offer a contemporary placement to all our learners across all course and to deliver this at scale we are looking to recruit occupational therapists to support this via long arm supervision and practice based assessment.
To deliver nationally at scale, we are recruiting Clinical Visiting Tutors (CVTs) from across the UK, ensuring a robust, nationally representative team with a range of clinical, educational, leadership and research based experiences.
Our CVTs will:
- Bring specialist knowledge of contemporary practice and support high quality practice based education
- Provide a wide geographical spread
- Ensure we have a flexible and agile workforce, enhancing our capacity for placements.
All new recruits will be HCPC registrants with a minimum of three-years post-registration experience. The successful candidate will have experience in practice-based learning and be able to demonstrate an ability to utilise evidence-informed practice within their clinical field. Experience of supervision and coaching, either within a HEI or as a clinical educator is required for the role. The role is on a sessional basis and hours can be negotiated with post holders.
The University offers academic and professional development opportunities and provides a Post Graduate Certificate Teaching Qualification leading to HEA accreditation.
Informal enquiries should be addressed to: Mrs Nat Matchett – Assistant Professor Occupational Therapy - [email protected]