Clinical Psychologist or Counseling Psychologist Kingston upon Hull, England
Job description
We are pleased to be offering this exciting opportunity to join our Community Mental Health Service in two busy and energised urban Locality Teams comprising CMHTs and Primary Care Networks. We are advertising for a 0.7wte (25.5 hours) 8a position.
You will be working in an MDT that covers an inner city population across West and East Hull but will be based predominantly in West Hull. In order to offer skill mix to our clients and maximise the support to our psychology staff we are operating a hub model of a small team of psychologists and psychological practitioners working across both the Hull teams.
We are looking to our 8as to provide clinical leadership alongside the team clinical leads as well as steering service development and supporting psychologically driven and underpinned assessment and treatment pathways in the teams.
We welcome candidates that can evidence being able to work in a trauma informed way in their practice .
- To deliver bespoke tailored evidence based interventions to service users accessing the Hull Locality Team (combined PCN & CMHT) either individually or group and face to face or virtually as needed or appropriate.
- To offer clinical leadership to the band 7 psychology staff.
- To be an active part of the senior leadership group in the team providing clinical leadership , alongside the clinical lead and team leads, to the wider team.
- To lead on the psychological therapies meeting and pathways for access to psychological therapies, supported by the Senior Psychologist for CMHTs and the Professional Lead for AMH Psychology.
- Provide clinical supervision ( individual and group) to psychology and non-psychology staff as well as Assistant Psychologists, Trainee Clinical Psychologists and Clinical Associate Psychologists.
- Provide consultation to the wider service.
- Provide training to develop and upskill the staff group.
- Be an active member of the CMHT Psychology group.
- Provide professional supervision to band 7 clinical or counselling psychologists.
- Support the work of the CMHT Transformation and be actively involved in wider service development issues in the delivery of psychological care across the MH Division.
To find out more about our wide range of services including mental health, learning disabilities, children and young people service, Forensic, Community and Primary Care visit our website humber.nhs.uk/Services
You will join our team of over 3,600 colleagues that work together across our wide geography and specialties to change lives every day. We’re extremely proud of our Trust community and we know you can expect to receive a warm welcome and all the support you’ll need from your new team to get you started.
We are a forward thinking and dynamic Trust with a real commitment to staff development to ensure the delivery of high quality, person-centred and compassionate care to patients. We value our staff and invest in them to ensure they have the right skills and competencies to deliver outstanding care.
The Trust recognises the positive value of diversity and promotes equality whilst challenging discrimination. We welcome and encourage job applications from people of all backgrounds.
Please see job description and person specification attached.
We look forward to hearing for you and please contact us for an informal discussion about the role. We can arrange a meeting with the team, the team senior leads and your psychology colleagues should you wish.