Board Members for the Commission for Tertiary Education & Research (CTER) (Welsh Desirable)

Board Members for the Commission for Tertiary Education & Research (CTER) (Welsh Desirable) Wales

Welsh Assembly Government Communication Centre Home
Full Time Wales 42.13 GBP HOURLY Today
Job description

Vacancy details

Name of body
Commission for Tertiary Education & Research (CTER)
No decision has been taken on the exact location of the new Commission. Southeast Wales has been identified for cost baselining purposes and due to the locality of staff currently employed in this area of work. Hybrid work arrangements are envisaged with an expectation that successful candidates will spend some time at the Commission as appropriate. Board meetings will largely be in person to enable the development of the board team, to enable constructive and challenge debate and to support each other including the CEO.
The post of Board member is remunerated at £337 per day. There will be a scheme to reimburse subsistence expenses and other expenses necessarily incurred on business. This scheme will be approved by Ministers. You will be entitled to claim travel and other reasonable expenses incurred in carrying out governance responsibilities
and related activities the in accordance with this scheme. You may also be eligible to claim reimbursement for costs in relation to childcare /care of the elderly/assistant carer, whilst carrying out governance responsibilities and related activities on behalf of the Body. This post is not pensionable.
Minimum days required
Minimum days per

Function of body

Working collaboratively with the sector and the Welsh Government, the Commission will play a key role in delivering a more engaged, excellent and equitable tertiary education and research sector in Wales that prioritises the interests of learners, tackles inequality and contributes to national prosperity. Our approach will enable learners to mission for education reform.

Role description

The Board will consist of a maximum of 17 members comprising a Chair, Deputy Chair (the Chair of the Research and Innovation Committee), the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and up to 14 Board Members.

The Board will also include non-voting associate members. There will be at least four associate members, representing learners and the education workforce. Board Members will contribute to the transition arrangements required to establish the new organisation by April 2024. This will include working with the Chief Executive Officer to ensure appropriate systems and processes are in place to provide a smooth
transition of staff.

Members will be accountable to the Chair of the Board and will be expected to contribute to help inform decision making and delivery during the Commission’s establishment and beyond. Members will support the Chair to ensure that authoritative and timely advice is provided to the Welsh Ministers via officials and will provide feedback to the sectors.

As a minimum, 20% of Board Members will have Welsh language skills, and all members are required to show an appreciation for bilingualism and share the Commission’s commitment to promoting the Welsh language. In line with Welsh Government’s Anti-Racist Wales Action Plan, actions will be taken to ensure that Boards of public bodies are representative and inclusive, and committed to diversity and inclusion.

The Role of the Board

The Board will:

  • Ensure the highest standards of governance are established and implemented to deliver the Commission’s legal responsibilities, functions and duties;
  • Ensure effective arrangements are in place to provide assurance on risk management, governance and internal control.
  • Provide effective leadership, defining and developing strategic direction and setting challenging objectives;
  • Promote high standards of public finance management, upholding the principles of regularity, propriety and value for money;
  • Ensure compliance with any statutory or administrative requirements in respect of the use of public funds;
  • Regularly review financial information concerning the management of the organisation;
  • Ensure the Commission operates within the limits of its authority and any delegated authority agreed with the Welsh Government and in accordance with any other conditions relating to the use of public funds;
  • Ensure the Minister is kept fully informed of any changes likely to impact on the strategic direction of the organisation or on the attainability of its targets and of steps needed to deal with such changes;
  • Ensure the Minister is informed in a timely manner about any concerns about the Commission’s activities, including activities which might affect the future level of resources required, and any policy or practice changes which may have wide financial implications;
  • Taking appropriate remedial action to address any such concerns or changes with wide financial implications and providing positive assurances to the Minister via Welsh Government officials about the same;
  • Ensure that, in reaching decisions, the Commission takes into account guidance issued by the Welsh Government;
  • Ensure the Commission’s activities are conducted efficiently and effectively monitoring performance to ensure it fully meets its aims, objectives and performance targets;
  • Promote and act in accordance with the Nolan principles of public life (selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honest and leadership).

Board Members will:

  • Play a key role in supporting the Chair in setting the strategic direction for the Commission and in assessing and evaluating the development and delivery of the organisation’s business strategy, plans and performance objectives;
  • Support the development of the Board’s terms of reference alongside the Chair to ensure the role and remit of the Board is agreed from the outset;
  • Contribute to Board meetings to enable informed and engaging discussions and effective decision making;
  • Provide expertise on post compulsory education and training, promoting the needs of learners in tertiary education;
  • Participate in or chair statutory committee meetings as well as other advisory (non-statutory) committees the Board might establish;
  • Work collaboratively with stakeholders in developing post compulsory education and training priorities, ensuring delivery of best practice, value for money and alignment with other government priorities;
  • Build effective relationships with sector leaders such as university Vice-Chancellors and Pro-Vice-Chancellors, College Principals, local authority Directors of Education, Head Teachers of schools with sixth forms, Chief Executives of private training providers etc;
  • Promote high standards of public finance; upholding the principles of regularity, propriety and value for money.

Welsh language skills

The Welsh Government acknowledges the importance of developing and growing bilingual capabilities in public appointments in Wales, and welcomes applications from candidates who demonstrate their capability to work in both English and Welsh. The following list of language requirements represents an objective assessment by the recruiting body of the Welsh language skills required to undertake the duties of this particular post.
Welsh language skills
Can read simple material on everyday topics with understanding
Can write simple work-related correspondence
Can understand basic conversations about everyday topics
Can hold simple work-related conversations

Person specification

Skills Required by the Board
In appointing the Board, the Welsh Ministers are required by Schedule 1 of the Act to have regard for the composition of the Commission’s Board Members (between them) to have experience of and capability in a number of areas. To be considered, candidates must therefore be able to demonstrate ability to operate at board level in one or more of the following areas:


  • the provision of education or training;
  • carrying out, administering, or commissioning research;
  • promoting the needs of learners in tertiary education;
  • financial management or accounting;
  • general management in the private sector;
  • board governance, assurance and/or risk management;
  • legal;
  • the promotion and development of tertiary education through the medium of Welsh.

In addition, you must demonstrate you have the qualities and skills to meet all of the following essential criteria for appointment:

  • A clear understanding and commitment to equality and diversity and a willingness to challenge discriminatory practices;
  • An ability to demonstrate understanding of the commitments of a public role, as defined in Nolan’s Seven Principles of Public Life;
  • Excellent track record of engaging, inspiring and enthusing staff and stakeholders that demonstrates an inclusive and collaborative approach including working in partnership with staff representatives;
  • An ability to challenge current thinking and test opinion, with an openness to be challenged and encourage open debate to reach better decisions;

The ability to communicate through the medium of Welsh. If you do not have such skills, you should be willing to make a commitment to learn on appointment. Training including individual support and coaching will be provided.

Interview dates

From From - day From - month From - year
29 May 2023
To To - day To - month To - year
2 June 2023

Closing date

27/03/2023, 16:00

Additional information

How to apply

To apply for this role, click on the ‘Apply’ button below. The first time you apply for a post, you will need to complete a registration form for the Welsh Government’s online application system. You will only need to register once, and you will be able to keep yourself updated on the progress of your application, and any other applications you make, via your registered account.

Once you’ve registered, you’ll be able to access the application form. To apply you will need to submit two supporting documents. The first, a document outlining how your knowledge, skills and experiences meet the criteria for the role as outlined in the information for candidates. This document should be no more than 2 sides of A4. Your application may be rejected if you exceed this limit. The second document is a full, up to date CV. The two documents should be uploaded to the ‘Reasons for applying’ section of the online application form.

In your application, you will also be asked to provide details of any activities which have helped you to develop skills that would be useful in a public appointment role, and list the organisations for which you undertook these activities. We also need to know about any political activity that you’ve undertaken over the last 5 years.

It is recommended that you register for an account and access the application form as soon as possible so that you see how the application form is structured, before starting to prepare your evidence. You don’t have to complete the application form all in one go. You can save your responses, and log in and out as required, until you’re ready to submit – just follow the guidance in the application form.

If you’d like to apply for this opportunity in Welsh, please use the ‘Newid Iaith / Change Language’ link at the top of this page, to take you to the Welsh version of this advert, from which you can apply in Welsh.

If you need any further assistance in applying for this role, please contact the Welsh Government’s Public Appointments Team on [email protected].

Board Members for the Commission for Tertiary Education & Research (CTER) (Welsh Desirable)
Welsh Assembly Government Communication Centre Home
Cardiff, United Kingdom
Carwyn Jones
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