Job description
Please note this is a restricted job opportunity Access to this job opportunity is for West of Scotland pre registration Adult Nursing, Midwifery, Allied Health Professionals, Medical, Dental, Healthcare Science, Dental Therapy and Social Work students as well as HNC Social Services Care, Healthcare Practice and Occupational Therapy Support students in years 2, 3 and 4 from the following universities and further education colleges: Glasgow Caledonian University University of the West of Scotland (all campuses) University of Glasgow Open University City of Glasgow College Glasgow Kelvin College Glasgow Clyde College (all campuses) West College Scotland To register your interest in the 2023 Student Healthcare, Social Work and Social Care Staff Bank recruitment programme start your application by pressing the ‘apply for the job’ button below. Please ensure that you take the time to answer the additional questions included with this application; as failure to complete these may result in your application not being considered for shortlisted. The closing date to submit your application is: Sunday 29th October 2023 The 2023 Student Healthcare, Social Work and Social Care recruitment programme will not be open for applications after this date. Applications received that do not meet the criteria outlined above or are incomplete will not be considered. NHS Scotland is committed to encouraging equality and diversity among our workforce and eliminating unlawful discrimination. The aim is for our workforce to be truly representative and for each employee to feel respected and able to give their best. To this end, NHS Scotland welcomes applications from all sections of society. We look forward to receiving your application.