Job description
Our organisation is driven by our strategic objectives and organisational values. A leading teaching hospital.The Maternity service is delivered across two Hospital sites and community providing care for approximately 8500 births annually. We have strong strategic objectives to deliver safe effective high quality. Our team currently consists of a Newborn Hearing screening manager, hearing screeners, two Antenatal and newborn screening coordinators, a newborn screening link midwife a haemoglobinopathy screening link midwife and an Antenatal and newborn screening failsafe officer.
The staff have offices at both City and QMC and work on the maternity wards, Labour suites, Neonatal Units and the Children's wards. Roles are varied and work closely with a number of multidisciplinary teams and outside agencies. We are a friendly happy team with a great sense of humour; we have regular team meetings and like an excuse for a social occasion.